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Personal Life Coach

It’s so freeing to have someone be paid to think about and talk through your problems with you. It’s reassuring that you don’t have to figure your 20s and 30s out by yourself.

Sai Meditating Asheville.jpg

From Crisis to Easy Mode

You HAVE what you were TOLD to want, now realize you DON’T WANT that anymore, but can’t figure out WHAT’S NEXT or how to get it.

You feel Locked Inside

Locked Inside

Stuck In Your Career

“I don’t find any fulfillment in what I do or who I do it for.”


"I feel burned out."

“I only chose this career for the money.”

“I feel stuck, trapped, frustrated, and helpless.”

“I don’t know what I want but this ain’t it.”

Easy Mode


Imagine Your Career on Easy Mode

“I love my career - what I do, what team I’m on, and the people I help.”

“I didn’t know I could have fulfillment AND money.”

“I look forward to Mondays just as much as Fridays now.”

“I now feel empowered and experience growth in my career.”

Lonely In Your Relationships

“I have a lot of friends but I still feel lonely.”

“A lot of my friends were from high school and college but we’ve all gone our own ways now and I don’t know how to make friends.”

“I don’t feel like I have a deep connection with anyone.”

“I don’t feel like anyone actually GETS me.”


Imagine Your Relationships on Easy Mode

“I love the relationships I’m cultivating.”

“I finally feel like I belong. Like I found my ‘tribe’.”

“I’m in a happy, healthy romantic relationship as well.”

“My new friends don’t hold me back from achieving my lofty goals. They HAVE my back to help me accomplish them.”

Lost With Your Lifestyle

“I settled into my video games-TV/movies-partying-junk/fast food routine for weekends and weekday evenings and got tired of it pretty quickly.”

“I am tired of being hungover every weekend morning.”

“I see everyone else doing cool things but I’m never the one doing the cool things.”


​“I consume a lot of self-help but none of it has really worked.”


Imagine Your Lifestyle on Easy Mode

“I love the new version of my lifestyle!”

“I actually know how I want to spend my time on weekday evenings and weekends and it doesn’t make me feel like crap afterwards.”

“I feel the benefits of a healthy consistent routine with the excitement of adventure outside of it.”

“Now I’M the one doing the cool things too, not just others.”

What are you willing to do if you were guaranteed your desired future?

What is that desired future worth to you?

Don’t Take My Word For It

"Sai’s superpower is integration and choice of powerful instrument is his writing. Unlike other coaches, Sai puts in the effort, care, time, and empowering words to connect the dots for the client after every session in a constructive, compassionate feedback where he celebrates the client’s progress and distills the coaching call into insightful guidance towards the next steps. With his gracious humility, wisdom, kindness, and excitement to work towards larger goals, Sai makes coaching a wholesome process of growth and adventure."

- Vishwa A.

Why Sai



  • All Virtual - Prioritizing impact at scale


  • Assumed Experienced Client - Assuming that you have experience investing $1000s into yourself


  • Purely Solutions Focused OR Purely Emotional Processing - Practicing what they are professionally trained and accredited on.


  • Short Term - 1-time engagement that finishes once you've achieved it


  • Decades Removed - Highly experienced mentor or parent-like figure who has all the answers



  • Ideally In Person - Prioritizing depth of transformation of YOU


  • Affordable First Personalized Investment - Understanding you may not have worked 1- on-1 with anyone before


  • Holistic Approach - Emotional AND logical approaches to achieve your desired transformation.


  • Long Term - Ongoing commitment that builds on your momentum of transformation


  • 1 Step Ahead - Have recently experienced my Quarter-Life Crisis but not so far removed that I can't relate to you; older brother vibes.

I share these not to bash other coaches and service providers. In fact, they are all greatly beneficial and highly encourage you to work with those who are more on the left side of this table! I simply share them because I want you to know how working with me will be unique.


In Person vs Virtual

  • All the life coaches out there - me included when starting out - want to build their business for their ideal lifestyle. For most, that involves being able to work remotely, travel whenever they'd like, and set up to scale their business.


  • But I want to prioritize YOUR transformation, not just my "7-figure lifestyle". The quickest path to that transformation is giving each other our full energies. The best way to do that is in person. That way, there is no energy lost via screens. It's not just another meeting on your calendar. I want to physically greet you with a hug, not just a "how's the weather in [INSERT CITY]?".


  • All that being said, if you REALLY want to work with me and we are not in the same city, then I do accommodate virtual sessions as well.


First Personalized Investment rates are affordable if you have a full-time job

  • You may never have worked with a personalized service provider in this realm before. You may be used to $15 books and $20 workshops or even $100 weekend conferences. That's totally expected. But now it's time to level up.


  • I understand you may be 24 and not a millionaire quite yet and don't have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on personal development. However, this is not just a financial investment, but a full emotional commitment as well.


  • You may not have spent more than $100 on a weekend conference before, but you've got to get outside your comfort zone if you truly want to grow. If you're not ready to spend a four-figure amount for 3 months of working together, then I encourage you to explore my Community, Resources, and Content pages


Holistic vs Purely Logical

  • My experiences are my teacher. If you're looking for an impressive resume of coaching accreditation and certifications, look elsewhere. I don't follow a set procedure or script handed to me by some external body.


  • Sessions with me are very intuitive yet targeted. Many times, we'll start off with breathwork, meditation, or body movement. Sessions may include silent journaling time.


  • You may not have spent more than $100 on a weekend conference before, but you've got to get outside your comfort zone if you truly want to grow. If you're not ready to spend a four-figure amount for 3 months of working together, then I encourage you to explore my Community, Resources, and Content pages Or transform into active working sessions. They can be emotional and lead to tears. But no matter what, I can promise we will share that time and space together with full energy and presence.


Long Term vs Short Term

  • ​You're not the only one becoming emotionally invested into a coaching relationship here. I am too. I desire to build lifelong relationships because I want to be around people who flow through life. And I know that after you work with me, you'll be thinking life is definitely on Easy Model


1 Step Ahead vs Decades Removed

  • You're not looking for a manager. You're not looking for a parent. You're looking for someone just 1 step ahead. That's who I am. I'm 28. The aspects of a Quarter Life Crisis are recent enough for me that I can relate to it. But I've also been on the other side in my career, relationships, and lifestyle. I am someone who's crossed the bridge but hasn't crossed it so long ago that they forgot what it took to cross it.

Frequently Asked questions

Hear My Story

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