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Are There Multiple Types Of Self-Awareness? | 8/30/21

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Spent the majority of the 1st half of the days Saturday and Sunday attending EKAA Level 2 courses and sessions. It was cool seeing the healing of pain in one of the students feet go away immediately and completely just after 5-10 minutes. We also learned of the submarine technique which can help with self-healing, if done correctly and consistently for many weeks and perhaps months if more serious. Definitely in line with what I learned in Be Extraordinary with Jose Silva's method of creative visualization for self-healing. I'm looking forward to when I can attend the practicals for each of the levels to reinforce and build into my muscle everything I've learned theoretically so far.

Oh, I did tell them about my content when at Optimist, so it felt good opening up about that. They gave feedback as I was sharing everything and I felt taken aback and defensive about it initially. I expected them to support me and be awed by it for whatever reason, but that's where the issue lies. That sharing without expectation. It's actually good they have the skeptical mindset and critical thinking to see how it could be better. One thing they kept mentioning was the audience for my content. Like it didn't seem clear to them who the exact target audience was. And I'm not sure I necessarily know right now as well. It'll continue to grow organically as I keep distributing it consistently. They actually did take a listen to one of the pod episodes that I shared on IG with my daily routine. They said they fell asleep listening to it LOL. So I guess I was REALLY boring. And I know that I have to try to be more engaging. They said they understood it really well when I was explaining it to someone, but that that energy didn't come across on the podcast. So I had a learning / improvement there to imagine talking to someone when explaining things since it comes off as more naturally in that setting. I'll have to use my visualization skills to imagine that person when I'm recording, say, at the park or something. Being more engaging individually is a big area for improvement, so I'll have to continue working on that.

When am I not as reflective? I think the clearest correlation I can draw is when my Relating within my TLDR model is overlooked. In those situations, I do less Thinking. When I'm traveling, I'm usually going somewhere to interact with people. And when that takes much of my time, I forgo the time I usually spend thinking and reflecting. Maybe I can create a pact with those other stakeholders who I'm meeting that morning and night times are sacred for me. Uncaveatable morning and night routines regardless of where I am. (What's a word (I can create) for being my highest self regardless of where I am?) When I make a verbal commitment to doing something, I'm more likely able to follow through on it physically. Ooh, maybe I create and track metrics on a daily basis for each of the TLDR sections. I think ideally over the course of the week, I'd want to balance it to 1/4th for each of them but Idk yet. There may be a more optima balance for me. Finding the right balance for each person may lead to various breakdowns. Hmm, I guess this could ultimately lead to some sort of relation to personality types as certain Meyers Briggs / Strengthsfinder / Enneagram types operate at their peak at a certain average for each TLDR aspect, etc. I could potentially see this as a whole line of research / experimentation. Either way, I would need to track them myself to begin. This weekend and week, I felt too much learning taking place without integration into my identity. So that just reinforces my theory that when some piece of the TLDR of Life model is imbalanced, it messes up other parts. I think I'm self aware enough now to realize that feeling when I'm not balanced, but quantifying that is a challenge. This TLDR of Life thing can be a way to quantify that balance. To find that ideal balance for yourself with all the things that comprise life.

I think there's a gap in English (at least from my knowledge of it) with awareness. Awareness is knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Self-awareness is conscious knowledge of one's own feelings, character, desires, motives, etc. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

[10 min of research and illustration]

Ok nvm, English doesn't have a gap here. Found a brilliant article on Harvard Biz Review describing the concepts of internal self-awareness and external self-awareness. Internal self-awareness being how well you know yourself. External self-awareness being how well you understand how others see you. They had a quadrant of high and low categorizations of these 2 aspects of ourselves. I think I'm in the 90-95th percentile at least for internal self-awareness and 35-45th percentile for external self-awareness. So that's a strong area for improvement.

[10 min]

But is there an even higher level missing? Something like "internal external self-awareness." How well I understand how well I understand how others understand me. Because how accurate is that 35th-45th percentile number? And then even the other way. How well I understand how others understand how well I understand myself. Call that "external internal self-awareness."

The other thing here is that I stumbled on this topic and came to similar realizations as people who'd spent massive amounts of time and energy and money on research, but I did so in just one journaling session. This helps the point that everything we want to learn or know is already inside of us. It's just a matter of connecting with and accessing it.

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