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Did I Just Manifest That? | 6/2/21

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Chronicling from the past few days.

Friday: meeting with other up-and-coming Leveraged Content Creators.

Saturday: Adam's wedding.

Sunday: NASCAR and going out.

Monday: Recovery + reviews & newsletter at Barnes & Noble.

Tuesday: dinner at Saisahana's place.

I feel so behind sometimes when I don't journal for a day, let alone like 4-5. I really want to find a way to capture my thoughts quicker. Hmm...maybe I just need to accept that I'll never get to everything that I have a passing thought on. Deciding which of those things I say yes to vs. no to will be important as always.

Random couple moments of singular universal consciousness. First one was 2 weeks ago where I wrote "I will eat tofu" for my Vaak Siddhi. I had made tofu with veggies for lunch as meal prep a few days earlier and had brought that into work. So was planning on eating that. But during lunch time, a few colleagues asked if I wanted to to join them for lunch. We ended up eating at Bonchon, a Korean fusion place. I got a stir fry type of dish with tofu as my protein. I had completely forgotten that I had written 'I will eat tofu.' When I reviewed that at the end of the day, I was like Damn, I called it lol! I coulda written down 'I will eat meal prepped food today' instead and it wouldn't have been accurate. But who knows why I did that. Neat little incident.

Other incident was yesterday as I was watching the Kathopinashad series. I was on the episode that went into the 4 aspects of the mind. Which are manas, buddhi, citta, and ahamkara. Just about 7 min in to the 55 min video, I get a snapchat notification. This person will send me a snap maybe avg of once a month or something. So it's not like a broken clock being right twice a day situation. But the guy who sent me it was named Manas. I was interanlly LOLing so hard. I had just taken notes on the manas portion of the video. And literally a few min later, the one Manas that I know sends me a snap. Manifestation at its finest haha.

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