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Did I Just Waste 90 Minutes Of People's Time? | 9/2/21

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Wow this day had a lot of lessons and insights in it. One thing was with our laundromat payment management value stream mapping session that I helped facilitate. I did do a quick segment intending beforehand to ensure that it would be a productive 90 min. It got to a shaky start with starting late and me probably not setting a clear enough direction with what the goal of the session was. I was then momentarily rattled and disheartened when literally everyone was on their laptop when I was trying to get everyone on the same page. I then probably planned for too much in a 90 min window with both the customer and franchisee perspective in one session since it would be tougher to context switch. So I shoulda just left it in the brainstorm session to when the customer exits. I then wanted to try something different of each person acting out their ideal scenario. Theoretically it sounds nice but many steps in it would be the same, so there may not have been as much use. Either that or it was a good idea but just not implemented well because no one actually did it. Maybe I should have gone first myself and demonstrated how it would have looked so people wouldn't have felt so uncomfortable doing it. I did get people's thoughts down explicitly in just 15-20 min so that was valuable. Maybe I also should have scheduled 2 hours for this to allow for more discussion. But I feel like the way I managed everything was a failure. I felt like people may have felt it was a waste of 90+ minutes of their time. But alas I think it was the first time I led a VSM session so can only go up from here lol. I'm glad everyone here gives me the opportunity to fail though, so I'm grateful for that.

I then took that down attitude and mood with me as I finished up work remote. Non-stop meetings until 2:45 had burned me out, more specifically because of the Relate in the TLDR model. And I hadn't had any real chance in the day to do anything else. Maybe this is the answer manifesting itself to the question I posed the other day about what is the correct balance of TLDR for each person (starting with myself). So for Wednesday I rated it as 40 for Relate, which in itself I don't think is disproportionately high. However it was disproportionate as a function of time as all that relating was done from 8 am - 2:30 pm or so. That made me more tired than if that 40 Relate day had theoretically been balanced over the course of the entire day. Maybe part of this equation is breaking it up into segments such as Beginning of Day → Lunch, Lunch → Dinner, Dinner → End of Day. Of course scheduling-wise sometimes you can't do anything about it. So it's just up to me to take the proper breaks. I did get my balance back though after an hour or two. So I'm glad that my minor depressive bouts last a shorter period of time than they have in the past. I just have more awareness and self-regulating techniques to moderate and modulate that.

This temporary downward spiral continued with me giving into my food urges and ordering out. I guess I default to that as one of my go-to's to escape my discomfort from my feelings. It's very apt then that I listened to a podcast from The Preschool Podcast about the 5 R's of teaching self-regulation for young children. Of course the best way to teach someone is to exemplify it. So clearly a work -in-progress there lol. Also related to that was the lesson in Becoming Focused and Indistractable. I like one of the techniques it mentioned of imagining leaves on a stream representing our thoughts, emotions, urges, etc. They will naturally come and go. I'll build it into my muscle the next time a situation like that arises.

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