Yesterday, had one of the best Wim Hof experiences. It was a guided one that I did, which I hadn't done one of those since first doing them a few years ago. Did 4 rounds of it laying down - I felt good but nothing extraordinary from previous times. Then immediately, while I was "glowing", I got into the shower and turned on the cold water. I continued doing the breathing, 30 seconds in and the feeling in my body was so intense I could barely still stand up. I felt it in my entire body, not just mainly in my head and arms like I normally have. My stomach / abdomen area inside - never felt anything like that before. Lower and upper legs were also all fully "glowing." I can't even fully describe it, it just has to be experienced. Gonna add this to my daily schedule and routine every morning right before I take the cold shower, since that's the best time to be doing it. Let's see if future ones are that intense, less so or more so.
Other than that, had pretty much a "perfect day" that I alluded to previously, so pretty pleased with myself in terms of productivity, motivation, focus.
Did wake up a bit late for this biweekly circle (6 am) so let's get caught up and make the most of it.