Biweekly circle went well yesterday. Decided not to do the meditative stream of consciousness and instead worked on personal projects. Since I did kinda spend time thinking a bit while meditating on Tuesday, actually doing would move the needle more. I need to do a better job of doing things in the evening, in addition to my workout and viz med routine. I feel like I just pass time sometimes during that crucial part when I could be executing. Will be more aware of time and energy spend during that time going forward.
Might look into Rajiv Satyal's content after listening to him on BPWK podcast.
Learned the next step in Tai Chi, even after not perfecting the previous one so I got some work to do before the next class.
Chilled with Dak and Shaak for ~90 min or so, spending a lot of time talking about how the friends we have at a certain point in our life are at a similar stage as us (college, early career, married, retired, etc.). We were just disagreeing I think the extent to which someone's friends change as a result of a stage change with themselves. I'd connect more with someone in the same stage as me but that doesn't mean I can't become best friends, let's say, with someone who's married and has a couple of kids. It'd be pretty cool actually having that diversity in experience in my social circle.