Yesterday I was going to go to Tai Chi class but I was parked the most in on the driveway, so needed a couple of people to back out. One person was taking a shower when I asked them to (the kid responded telling me that) so I was just chilling in the car for a few min. Idk why I got so relatively anxious waiting for them to move the car. I didn't want to be late to class. I was cutting it very close. I ended up getting there on time at exactly 8:59 am so in the end worked out. In that moment, shoulda visualized myself reaching the park on time and let the universe as it may.
At the class itself, learned a bunch of new moves to the next part of the form. So first time I was actually lost as to what was going on. But asked Anil and JW and then Ellen at the end and she pointed me towards the Phoenix & Dragon's YouTube channel. It was a few videos of Sifu doing some of the forms so I saw that and was able to get more clarity in terms of what the moves actually are and how I should be practicing. There were also the most non-Tai Chi people at the park in the time that we've gone there. It looked like a small youth rec league for soccer so bunch of kids and parents were there. Many of them probably wondering what the hell we were doing over there lol.
Then came back home and went to the Waxhaw Farmers Market. This was inspired by watching Jane Goodall's MasterClass on Conservation and what we can all do specifically to be more mindful of what we're eating and supportive of the local agriculture business. I brought my tote bag planning on buying a lot of produce but to my dismay, there weren't many vendors that had vegetables out. It was a lot of cool other things but only a couple of them had vegetables. And it was mostly greens instead of other veggies, so I didn't end up buying anything...except for a Belgian Waffle lol. Caught my eye so I got it lol. Very well made. Went to buy vegetables, got a Belgian Waffle instead lmao. I think next weekend, I'll try out a farmers market closer to the city since hopefully it would be bigger and more options.
After that debacle, I went to Harris Teeter and when I was entering the store, I had another one of those juke off moments when each person goes the same way, then they both go the other way before finally choosing a certain side. I did a better job of blocking them from leaving the store than the Chiefs O-line did in the Super Bowl. Of course, I try to find the deeper meaning in things, and after a bit of thinking, I think that is the result of an imprint of indecision. I couldn't make a small decision perhaps impacting no one other than myself. Then with that indecisive cause placed in my mind, I take that indecision to a place where it impacts other people, albeit in a trivial manner. But hopefully this doesn't resurface with higher stakes maybe at work or something. So what's the solution? Be decisive with everything that I do individually, even with the smallest of choices. No ambivalence in deciding what to eat, what content to watch, what to wear, etc. Then I can place in imprint of greater confidence in moments of decisions.
Then basically for the rest of the day, I worked on my website. From like 1:30 to 10:00 minus lunch, I pretty much was on Wix editing things and getting it to a publishable stage. I couldn't believe that much time had flown by. But I was in flow and felt fulfilled. I think the desktop experience is solid; the mobile experience leaves something to be desired. But it's sufficient for this stage of my brand. It felt good to get that off my plate and I'll look to launch it today after one last pass of it.
I've also found myself recently being very hard on myself for waking up 'late. I saw this morning that the time on my clock said 5:40 and I was excited to get up then and get the day started. Then I checked my phone and saw it said 6:40. 100% forgot it was Daylight Savings when I went to sleep last night. So I felt a bit down when I saw it was that late in the morning. I think it's because I've told my brain that anytime b/w 4 am and 6 am is ideal and anytime after that is late. Even on weekends. I want to think that while everyone is sleeping, I'm putting in the work to continue growing by thinking, learning, doing in those early hours. That's the time when I can separate myself from the crowd. BUt it's fine to let things go since I can't change the past. Though it may be something I have to live with to some level if I want to continue being awake, energized and motivated for X time more than other folks on a consistent basis.