Wow, a lot has happened in my life in the past 2 days. Sunday morning, Cole came into my room and we chilled for 30-45 min. He wrote more gibberish in my notebooks and on my whiteboard. I was half trying to kick him out of my room cuz I wanted to go through my Duolingo Spanish lessons lol. But as he sat there on my bed leaning against the pillows I asked him 'why do you want to stay in my room?" He passingly said "Cuz you're the only friend I have." That hit deep. Now he has a lot of fun with who his single mom is seeing and shortly afterwards he did list off all the friends from his school. So I'm not actually his only friend. But there must be a non-zero element of truth in that statement. I just feel for him and send him my positive energy, intentions, and compassion. It is ironic that I seem to get to know people the best the last few days I live with them lol. First in Chicago, then Austin, then Atlanta, and now in this house in Charlotte.
Hmm, why is that the case? Maybe the guard of myself and others are lowered because we each know we'll have less physical interaction going forward compared to the previous X amount of time. There may not be that same pressure to live with seeing them again for a long time. Maybe it's similar to death in that people show their truest selves in their final moments. So people are most vulnerable, open, friendly, deep in these last few days that you know you're spending together. It's the finiteness of time that creates a special bond. That's why people feel the freest when they have a life-ending disease with a certain amount of time to live. It's the fact that I knew my 4 years at UT were coming to a close when I became the closest to my fraternity brothers. It's when I knew I would be moving out of Atlanta last year that I learned more about my roommates and the beautiful Mother Nature in Georgia. So then the question is, how do I recreate that energy, that finiteness on a daily basis? It comes back to awareness. We become aware only at the end of the journey and the process when that ending point is in sight. When we're in the middle of and in the midst of the process, our awareness is at a lower level. We're on autopilot. But really, the learning, relating, the perceiving is best done throughout the process. Same with tests in education. That imprint of cramming for tests, which have a finite quality to them, is then translated to how we build bonds with people - waiting until we know there is know tomorrow for this to make up for the lost opportunities up until then. But really, the tests were in front of us the whole time throughout that process that we weren't aware enough to recognize. So back to the question of how to recreate this daily. My answer is to view each day as a test, as a play, as a game, as a case study. To ask myself daily 'Why did today happen?' which I have been doing for the past couple weeks. The related question to that is 'How did today happen?' Since I know everything that happens today, I have created, the test is first, being aware of everything, then figuring out what caused each event to unfold the way it did. When, not if, I can solve this problem, that's when I'll pass the test. When, not if, I can identify my role, that's when I'll be perceptive to all the other actors and the script in this play. When, not if, I can delineate the rules, that's when I'll win the game.
Well, all that was engendered only by dissecting 1 hour of my Sunday morning lol. Imagine all the potential we have when multiplying that by 24 for each day! Didn't intend on going down this stream initially but immense value for two auxiliary reasons. 1) Going to add the question 'How did today happen?' to my list journal. And 2) Going to make answering those 2 questions the focal points of the 'Thinking' aspect of my TLDR podcast series, 1% Growth. [5 Min] OOH. Ok. Got it. The 1% Growth series makes way more sense to do every day, or at least several times / week. To actually show the incremental and compounding growth on a day-by-day trajectory and level. The pace at which I'm coming up with insights is surpassing how much energy I can devote to writing about them physically. By having substantially more content on the 'T' of TLDR, I'll reinforce that that really is the most crucial and underrated aspect of time and energy investment. Just added it rn, but going forward, I want to include any indications of time spent in thought to really hit it home that I'm not just writing non-stop. The new 1% Growth format is itself the result of an imprint placed yesterday when talking to Vishnu (oh, spoiler lol) when he mentioned that I should produce more content about imprints and somatic translations to 'real life.' Pretty meta there.
Something else I kinda realized last week and laughed out loud when doing so is that Sathya Sai Baba is a human construct. The Universal Consciousness came down in the form of a human so that we could ~try~ to comprehend the magnitude of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. He was a wonderful vessel to carry that message through and millions across the world, including me, have been led on the spiritual path because of His love. When I don't transfer that same level of love and compassion to everything and everyone else in the Universe, then I have not really learned anything from Him then. That same level of divinity is inside me. When I realize that not just intellectually but experientially, I can create anything I want. I'm just now starting to see the glimpses of that. It pains me to see all the people I have and have had some level of visibility into their lives and how they don't live in the most optimum way. They are creating their own world through the thoughts they have, words they speak, and actions they do. Especially when they follow Baba and understand intellectually all the teachings and the scriptures, but don't transfer that into action, what's the use of all that knowledge? By putting Him on a pedestal, we are inherently signaling that we are lesser than God. How can we self-realize, experience Supreme Divinity when we can't even acknowledge intellectually that we're God? The purpose of Him coming down to Earth was to discovery for ourselves what Divine Love is. If after literally 100 years of his teachings and messages we still can't understand that there's only one Truth, then we haven't really progressed lol. And by understand I don't mean mentally, but through our daily being. We became enamored with the form and lost that the message wasn't really what he was saying. It was what he was doing. How he was living. And when we deconstruct that His physical form was just the conduit for Divine Energy and Love, what really is the difference between Him and us? Aren't we also just Divine Energy come down for a human experience? When we pray with pure intention to him, we're really just accessing that Divine Love inside of us. Without the physical form, Idt many people would believe they themselves are divine. There wouldn't have been even any secondhand experiencing of pure love. Why do people connect with His love even after 10 years of no physical body? A generation now that has never seen him? Followers in Muddenahalli that have faith that something beyond the 5 physical senses exist. (Even some there I feel have become attached to the physicality of the divine.) It's because that Love already exists in each of us. We just have to rediscover it. That rediscovery process looks different for each of us, but once we discover what that is, everything becomes much simpler!