After watching the last 3 sets of French Open final and chilling with Komal concurrently, I did do my weekly review and newsletter and edited and published content. Lightworks works pretty well. I'll just have to see how to edit the podcast intro and outro music into my normal podcast episodes and I should be set. In the evening though ended up eating out yet again at Maria's Mexican restaurant. Felt very heavy afterwards and when waking up this morning was extremely tired. Luckily, I was able to push myself and not think too hard to start my morning routine, which I did end up doing an am grateful for. Robin Sharma had said that it takes a lot of energy to digest food and you want to keep it light for dinner so that I can be fresh in the morning. Can confirm that eating heavy at night makes me more lethargic in the morning so I'll be eating light as per normal at night going forward.
I've realized that I've said I'd wanted to spend more time thinking about work topics that need reflection for the past few weeks but haven't created time for them. So I want to try something new to create that time. I think I want to use either Mondays and Fridays as largely Thinking days for work. I can't be a prisoner of time and my calendar. I'll need to be proactive in creating time for things that are high priority for me. Let's see how it works today.
Also going to be only eating fruits and nuts and drinking juices today to cleanse myself from this weekend. Need that detox to help create energy to achieve my best self.
How can I apply my TLDR model to work? I feel like I'm always doing, as there are always things to be doing, especially at a startup and especially now. Maybe 10-15 hours a week are spent in meetings so that's like 20-35% of the week. So that's roughly around 1/4 of the time spent Relating. Doing is the rest of the time really. I'll spend every now and then doing some deep thinking but not as much as I'd like. Learning specific to the industry or field is also limited right now. I did used to be reading newsletters more regularly but have cut that out for whatever reason. Want to be getting back into that to read up about what's new as well as see how I can provide value to the company with that knowledge. This ideation and creativity should be one of the primary ways I should be providing value since that's one of my strengths. I want to create time in my calendar to do more thinking and learning to bring the TLDR model into the workplace for myself. More of a balance. If I don't build a structure for the important, the priority just becomes the urgent.