Day 16 of Be Extraordinary discussed reframing failure. He used an example of how this guy once had a dent on a new, expensive car he had recently bought. Instead of being fixated on the problem, he went to the mechanic and asked how much it would cost. After hearing it would be $800, he aligned that he had to generate $800 extra income that month, which would enable him to pay it. He then went the extra step by affirming that he wanted to make $800 extra a month for each month after that as well. Essentially, he turned a problem into a project. It's similar to the Diamond Cutter in that you view the 'issue' as something that you meant on happening. You juts need to figure out why that is to make it benefit you.
The associated exercise here is to turn a problem in our lives into a project and align it with our 3MIQ. I actually think I frame 'problems' as opportunities now itself, at least one-off event based problems, like a flat tire or stuff at work. I think something more applicable to me is ongoing improvements, like communication or empathy. How do I turn improving empathy into a project? I have it in my 6 Time book and ideally it's inherent in my Learnings section in my List Journal. Oh, I know, let me add it into my Gratitude and Segment Intending practices every morning. Intend that every time I interact with someone, I'm 100% empathetic and compassionate. That's a good start. Going to limit myself to only 1 thing so I can put all my focus into that.