Ok, it's been 2 weeks since my IG account has been deactivated so I've accepted that it won't return any time soon, if ever. So fully leaning into my new account that's more branded with the direction I want to take it. It's kinda refreshing cuz I'm not tied to any previous content or following or anything. I can make this whatever I want it to be and if people don't want to see that, then they can choose to unfollow me lol. But this whole experience has taught me even more deeply that social media isn't real. It can go away just like that. I should view it as a way to distribute content but not the only place that a piece of content lives. I'll need to drive people to my website as well as the podcast as those are the 2 main places I envision it going. Along with YouTube I guess. Let's be grateful that I can easily spin up another IG account though. Glad it happened earlier in the journey rather than later. Hmm, maybe I should do the podcast episode series of my daily journals since it is more of a story that people can listen to quickly. And plenty of people have said I have a good voice so the more I can utilize that the better. I can publish those podcasts and then distribute them on social media. I like that.
Something that can be built utilizing social media is a Mastermind group. I've now heard it in various contexts now as something that extremely successful people involve themselves in. A group that holds on another accountable, provides fresh perspectives, grows individually and collectively, gives authentic feedback, and motivates each other every day. I think I have the first person in that Mastermind group with Vishnu but I want to grow it to 4 people. Have to be extremely intentional about who joins this group. We'll probably have to iterate but doesn't hurt to put in the extra effort on the front end to choose selectively. This was most recently mentioned in the Lifebook video that I saw. Before that, it was in Robin Sharma's courses. And previously, this type of group was referred to as a truth-seeking group by Annie Duke in Thinking in Bets. Clearly, there's value here so once I've found a couple others who I think would be good fits for this, let's go in all the way. Once it's formed though, we'll eventually need some sort of structured agenda to get the most of the time we spend together weekly / biweekly / monthly. Step one though, start / continue expanding my network.
I also reached out to ____ last night cuz I hadn't heard from them in a bit. Sounds like there's a lot going on in their life with relationships with family and friends and it seems to be draining their energy. They thought about reaching out to me a couple of times while in this funk but felt almost intimidated or embarrassed to be talking about those things with me because they see me as someone who has everything put together. They said I inspire them so much that they almost feels like they can't reach out when they're going through lots of emotions and feelings and experiences of adversity. I don't want to seem like that. I want to be seen as (and I think I am) someone who sets out a lot to accomplish and grows continuously while simultaneously being seen as flawed so that I'm approachable enough by anyone. But then the other side of me is like I can't be everything to everyone. But then again, why not? Hmm. I may just have to be even more vulnerable (privately and publicly) with what I may be going through myself so others can relate more closely to their own growth. Let's push for that.
A recent them in the Wooden book has been that how can someone give more than what they have or reach a state that was higher than their potential? If they can possibly be more focused or work harder, then they weren't 100% focused or weren't working with 100% effort. That makes sense. And I think there's an additional layer to this. It's like a bar of energy, focus, effort that is there that goes from 0-100%. Almost like a health bar or XP bar in a fighting video game. At our current state, we're at maybe 70-80% of our potential.
[10 min whiteboarding]
Ok, so it's like this. It's this cone again with the point at the top. We know the universe is ever expanding. Has been since the Big Bang. That means its creating more and more energy every second. We also know that we are both part of and contain the entire universe in our souls. That means we can create boundless energy, individually (and of course collectively). So if you imagine this cone with a path from the bottom spiraling on the outside of this cone, this empty but existent path leads all the way up to the pinnacle. This path can be thought of as the energy bar I was describing earlier. Let's say when we are born we have only a limited amount of energy (either kinetic or potential). As we start living life, we gain more kinetic energy. This kinetic energy turns into actually more potential energy and keeps feeding off one another. So the potential energy bar let's say goes up to 20% of the way to the top of the cone. When we say "I want to maximize my potential," we're actually saying that "I want to maximize my known potential." At that point, we only think we can achieve that 100%, but in reality, it's only 20% of the true potential. But as we get higher and higher on that progress to that 20%, we realize there's more that we can achieve. More potential energy. That 20% now becomes 30% of the way to the top of the cone. By realizing more of our potential, we realize we have more potential. Then we are constantly striving to reach 100% of our then-current and then-known potential. This is consistent with "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know." Just framed with energy instead of knowledge. Ultimately as we realize more and more potential energy by way of creating kinetic energy, we can understand the true path to the top of the cone. The other thing here is that this bar / path that goes up also symbolizes our values and floor, in addition to our energy. The more we're able to realize our potential, the higher the floor when we do fall down or feel like we take a step back. The habits, actions, mindset, etc. that's gotten us to create that amount of energy to get us to let's say 40% of the full path will only fall to 38% maybe when we go through difficult times. When we've made more progress, it may go from 50% to 49%, and so on. With values, the higher we ascend, the higher to floor with our values as well. It's not core values we strive to meet but unquestionable and unconditional standards of our identity to get us to that hypothetical 40% number. And the higher we get, the more unconditional those values will become.
Now this was a good journaling session. :)