Wow. It's crazy to see how much people actually run on coffee. Sitting and writing this in a Starbucks in the morning. People drinking cups and cups of coffee and sugar and everything else in there. All for what? For the taste? The energy? For the inability to live life without it? Every once in a while to drink it, it can be beneficial to the health. But when it's something as routine as brushing teeth and done sometimes more often than even that, it baffles me.
If it's energy we want, then we've been misled by society, marketing, etc. that coffee is the way to sustainably create energy. Hmm. Renewable energy. It's a way to have sustainable energy sources that will last forever.
OH! In order to discover and tap into the full potential of external renewable energy sources, we need to rediscover the full potential of internal renewable energy sources.
We place the imprint of the latter to then grow into and manifest as the former. the reason we're struggling to raise our external renewable energy adoption is because we keep looking to external ways to increase our internal energy. It's not sustainable. The equation is imbalanced. (see pic)
We're supplying the fuel for our everyday life through the energy-draining, energy-depleting external sources. Which then means there's not enough source of external energy for actual external energy output. Oil and gas will run out at some point. When will we fully transition over to solar, wind, geothermal, etc. sources of energy? Similarly, we're currently running on sugar, caffeine, meat, etc. that we think give us energy. Sure in the short term. Same as with oil, gas, coal, etc. It's just a longer short-term than the internal energy examples.
We must first find the internal energy sources that truly give us sustained energy, like healthier food, healthier drinks (aka water), meditation, yoga, exercise, our passions, etc. Once we rediscover those internal renewable energy sources, everything will naturally work itself out. (see pic)