Thursday morning, I tried something new. I got up at 15 min later, I got started working at 6:15 am. Had a decent 1 hour of work in before / instead of doing any morning routine items. And after experiencing that, it's definitely something that I want to be mixing in to my routine consistently. Invest my time into something worthwhile and impactful when my mind is extremely fresh.
When I'm a 'CEO' or founder of something, I want to be continuing to read and learn at the same, if not faster, pace as I am now. Consuming content from all sources, not just talking to people and hearing their stories, but listening through podcasts, documentaries, reading articles, books, etc. Nothing that I'm not doing now though. I also don't want to stop taking notes even if I'm the 'highest position' in the room. Taking notes encourages active listening, full engagement, higher retention and sets an example for everyone else. Setting the right culture for all of my coworkers and teammates. Nothing necessarily profound there. Catching up on thoughts from m my months' long backlog lol.
I want to engage all my 5 senses in learning. Not just learning but actually all 4 areas in my TLDR model. I realized Thursday that each of the 5 senses are methods to facilitate us to experience life in the 4 TLDR functions. We see something, and that can lead us to think. We can hear something, and lead us to relate. We can smell something and lead us to do. And any other combination or permutation. Then what I wrote when I initially came up with this model is that we can experience each of these with ourselves or with others. So then that creates 40 total combinations. The 4 senses are how we experience the world. They are the input. The 4 TLDR areas are the output. What mode of being and with who?
[see diagram]
"When I perceive the world though my sense of _____, I _____ with _____." Ex: When I perceive the world through my sense of touch, I learn with others. I want to say there's some more integration here with other concepts like the 5 koshas or 3 states of time. But it's not flowing to me at this moment. I'm sure I'll tap into this when the time is right.