It’s been 8+ months now of living alone. It’s amazing. The freedom that I have compared to living with others is unparalleled. However with that freedom comes a greater range of possibilities. Depending on who you are, you can go into isolation, depression, feeling lonely. Or really hit your stride, peak, and learn the most of who you are and can become.
I think I’ve been saying that I wish I had lived alone sooner, but honestly, it was at the right time. Nothing happens too soon or too late. It just happens. Soon or late just implies an expectation of a timeline.
Aside here, in business, let’s go from Expectation Management to Expectancy Management. How does that work ‘practically’? Not sure yet.
If I lived alone sooner, I wouldn’t have been able to necessarily be at the place I’m at now or had the experiences I had living in Waxhaw. Witnessing everything that I did, relating to Lil Cole, living with 4 other sublessees, or live with Trump supporters. Or even in ATL, not met mutual friends, learn how to properly take care of a home as a young homeowner, and much more. All that not to mention how my mental and emotional states would have been, especially during COVID if I hadn’t had people to physically see. I was able to find myself during it on my own but with the comfort of others physically visible and accessible, something others didn’t have. The thing is roommates can keep you in a tighter spectrum of bliss to depression because you’re with people. I guess the caveat / qualifier there is people who don’t exacerbate any negative feelings you may have.
Actually nevermind. I’m wrong. It’s pretty simple and nothing original. Being with people who bring your energy up will help pretty much in any situation and those who bring it down don’t. So my initial thesis is not only incorrect, it’s the opposite. The ‘worst’ type of people for you can make you go absolutely crazy and be on the edge of depression or worse on that spectrum. And same thing with the ‘best’ type of people on the positive side.
[see image below for ranges]
Relative graphs here, of course, but who knows if it makes sense.