Yesterday, another solid day from morning to evening. Nothing special at work. One firm I had a call with said they had an internal deadline for next Friday and for something for $20k / year, I'm like yea right we're gonna make that big a decision that quickly. Nice sales tactic lol. Solid sprint review and retro where we ended the day talking about kangaroos dropping bombs b/c of the COVID vaccine story of them going from Belgium to Italy to Australia causing WWIII lmaoo.
After that went to the park to do my half-marathon that I had built up internally and externally over the past few days. I wish I had ended with a faster pace but it is what it is. Got a 11:24 pace. I was fine until like mile 8 or 9 or so. Hit a wall and was walking quite a bit after that point. I seemed to not feel as much pain when I told myself "I'm not the body, I'm not the mind," so next time I need to do that more often throughout the run. Finished strong the last 5-10 min listening to bhajans instead of pop songs. Maybe I can switch over to those earlier when I feel myself hitting that wall so I can literally run through that wall. My plan is to do this again sometime in April, since hopefully it'll be better weather.
Finished the night eating Taco Bell as a victory prize, but next time I'll want to eat healthy at home and eat proper nutritious food. They actually forgot to put in on of the items that I ordered so it worked out so that I didn't get too fat.
Random thought I had yesterday - since we're really just energy in a physical body, wouldn't we have both kinetic and potential energy? We all have that potential energy when we're born and through our thoughts, words, and actions, we transfer that to kinetic energy. That kinetic energy is built up, amassed and continues to grow as both kinetic and potential energy. Now if we continue to grow both kinetic and potential energy, wouldn't that violate the law of conservation of energy? I say no, because we had the potential energy all along! We just don't know we have that potential energy b/c the kinetic energy is not being reacted with in the right ways. Hmm...but also, if we have the potential to be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, isn't that unlimited, infinite energy? So if both things are true, then we have and have always had unlimited potential energy. Question then is how do we realize all this infinite, unrealized potential energy? If it's infinite, then it can't be quantified by our rational, conscious minds. It can only be experienced. And experienced subconsciously. So the more we experience subconsciously of the infinite energy (which can be universal consciousness), the more we can simultaneously grow our kinetic and potential energy. It's an endlessly repeating cycle of experiencing energy.