Went to Tai Chi class yesterday where we had a newcomer. He seemed to like it as he said he'd be returning on the Wednesday time slot. Reminds me of Mr. Bandy from high school lol. Sifu told me to relax and feel at ease when doing the form. It's supposed to be natural and just flow like water or the wind.
Returned whichever items needed returning and then purchased a more expedient desk to place my laptop on. Can also use it as shelf space so it might free up some space in my dresser drawers.
Was gonna record Unplugged but practiced for a bit too long as roommates came back to the house so didn't want to annoy them too much.
Played some FIFA after that and it was perfect weather so I'm like, "let's stop playing video games and enjoy the beautiful weather and be productive in the process." Decided to go to Lake Wylie, however on the way there, there was a sudden violent downpour causing many drivers to put their hazards on. It was only a few min but still. By the time I got to the lake, it was slightly chillier, cloudy, and lightly drizzling, so I couldn't enjoy the book I brought with me. Waited it out though in the car and eventually found a bench where I read The Leadership Dojo for ~30 min or so.
Made my way to a Greek restaurant for dinner, saw a video of 100 best NBA plays from 2010s, had fam meeting after a couple weeks, and played FIFA.