Yesterday was a great start in the morning and a great end but part of the middle I had a bit of a dip. After lunch, I took a walk outside and reflected on what just happened. Why did I lose motivation for a couple hours? What really is a break - with my current beliefs and assumptions? How can I change those beliefs and assumptions so I'm happier with those breaks? My current assumption is that a break consists of me relaxing, doing something mindless, and perhaps an unhealthy amount / quality of food, watching some sports content. B/c that's what I've usually fallen back on. I don't actively think about this assumption, but it's subconsciously present. I want to change that! How? Replace that assumption, which has manifested as a habit, with a new assumption. "Breaks are now a time for me to reflect and re-energize." Some activities I would like to now consider as break activities are walking outside, quick meditation, Tai Chi, reviewing vocab, reading a book, catching up on newsletters, listening to a podcast, and doing nothing. If I can replace my current pattern of breaks with one of these, then I'll be more satisfied with how I'm investing my time. I'd probably prefer the walking outside, meditation, Tai Chi, or do nothing ones b/c that doesn't involve anything else.
Yesterday after I came back from the walk, my list journal was filling up, especially with improvements. So I can unlock more creativity and more focused productivity by just reenergizing these ways. I think 4-5 hours is the max I can work before taking an extended break.
I bought an audio book on Audible - The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. It's a ~10 hour listen but can't wait to listen to it.
Vipassana meditation was sublime yesterday, could feel and be aware of every part of my body. Let's hope that's only the start.
I like reflecting and journaling first thing in the morning b/c it gives me a chance to soak in the experiences from the prior day; a night to sleep on it; have a fresh perspective on yesterday and an energized outlook for today. I can look at things a bit more objectively when I'm not as in the moment the prior day. I'm pleased with my routine and cadence.