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Normalizing Compromise | 4/11/21

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Yesterday, recorded a couple more episodes for the podcast. I think I'm already at 8, which puts me through to the end of May. And I've yet to go through even all the Alignment Zone items, vaults and content. SO this could bleed well over into Q3. This is great b/c I'm able to into great detail bout each individual component of my current Life Operating System. Also gives me some more buffer time for the TLDR podcast series model and to solidify my ideas.

Spent 3 hours in the afternoon on the Year zero Collective hangout. It was a combination of August Bradley speaking, organized breakout rooms, and speed networking. It was held on Airmeet, which is 100% better than Zoom with all these different features. Might have to show people at work if there's a use case. Met so many others who are always learning, growing, sharing, living life to the fullest in many areas, which is so awesome! Ended up connecting with a few people on social afterwards, including a guy named Vishnu who's also a content creator. Cool to read through his content and the ideas he's shared about. Shoutout to him as he's my first non-existing friend to subscribe and follow my content officially. Hopefully, first of many!

Then went over and played poker with the normal group. Was good to get some live action in again after many months. Made a profit, so that's a bonus. But more importantly, I think I made most of the right decision in the moment, especially bet sizing to make people either fold or call depending on if I thought I was ahead of behind. But in addition to learning a lot more of the actual probabilities behind it, I need to keep a better mental log of what players are doing throughout the hand, the night, and over the several the times of playing with them. All with time, I guess.

Ended up getting T Bell on the way back lol. Bot too many items at that late of an hour smh.

Something I was thinking about the other day was how essentially every show either shows multiple sides of a discussion with fervent, unyielding debate or just flat out biased perspectives without viewpoint inclusivity and diversity. Every sports show has 2 sides and they don't really budge on their stances over time. There's an ingrained belief in society that it's better to go down fighting your way than to be open to the possibility of change. Political shows even more so with more impactful topics than sports most of the time. I get that every discussion doesn't need resolutions or takeaways to execute on. I also think there could be more media modeling how to approach including various perspectives in the discussion and even potentially showing a resolution on a topic. B/c when people see that type of collaborative behavior, it can positively effect their subconscious to come to a middle ground on issues that seemingly has no common ground to stand on. If arguments without any room for growth or change or even very rudimentarily listening continue to be displayed, that's the only type of interaction people will think is right. It all comes down to money, at least currently. Debate sells and captures attention. Producers don't want to necessarily go away from that. But they don't realize the imprint it's planting for all the viewers and the bigger effects it has. We need to normalize harmony and compromise. That's another bold idea I want to one day address by creating an option for that.

By creating something new and original, there's obviously a steeper learning curve and adoption curve. However, over time if you get the right individuals to start it and take from conception to reality to growth, then it cane become the norm. That's what Shaun Jayachandran is doing with Crossover India. Providing a way of teaching Indian kids the many soft skills they'll need throughout life through the sport of basketball. Introducing basketball to communities that don't have the infrastructure or even idea of what basketball is levels the playing field b/c no one has prior experience with it. It is by nature inclusive b/c everyone is equally bad and inexperienced. So I just want to introduce something new and over time it'll become widely adopted. Long but worthwhile journey. Learned all this and more on BPWK podcast yesterday.

Oh also, another subleasing roommate mentioned that the home owner is potentially looking at selling the home soon. So I may have to start looking at other places sooner rather than later. Let's see.

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