Well! First full day in the books yesterday of the Quarterly Circle. Did my Weekly and Monthly Reviews first (of course after my morning routine) then went onto the Quarterly Review, which I'm in the middle of right now still. It's kinda like a snake draft in fantasy sports. I'm approaching the reviews first in increasing order and then the forward looking planning in decreasing time period increments. So weekly review, monthly review, quarterly review, quarterly planning, monthly planning, weekly planning. And if it was the end of the year, put that in the 4th and 5th spots.
I think it's valuable to do both a retro for the month and the quarter. I know August likes to combine the month one with the quarter the 4 times that they coincide but there are different action items and insights for these specific time periods. Plus, I like everything fitting neatly into an organized system and process. Did the story of a story retro for March and the error story retro for Q1 (error of commission and error of omission).
Had lunch that I rationed out for all the meals that I'd have here. Then started on my high level planning. My Aspirations. The top level in the pyramid. Updating my Life Purpose, Mission, and Values. I did end up changing some aspect of all of these, which I plan to share in my newsletter or podcast or something. Then went into the middle level of my pyramid of Affirmations. Modified which affirmations I want to focus on this quarter to mold the person I want to be. There are 18 with varying levels of priority. Then started working on the lowest level of my pyramid of Action. This encompassed Projects and Action Items. Started to decide which projects I want to work on before I became sleepy and decided to wind down by reading a bit of The Leadership Dojo.
In the afternoon I did take a walk on the nearby short trail and recorded myself think for about 90-120 min. Mostly dove deeper into the purpose and potential content for all my content. I'm pretty content (🙂) with where I landed.
I did talk to Michelle for a bit, the owner of this property and learned about it a little bit. She's had it for 6 years, of which most of that time she's had this yurt. There's a trailer here that someone runs their pet grooming business out of as well as a small chicken coop that someone has. The person who built this yurt also built the yurts at a place called Emberglow Resort on Lake Lure, when I asked Michelle if there are others like this in the nearby area. I checked Emberglow out there lots of different optinos, like yurts, trailers, treehouses, many outdoor activities and more! The prices seemed affordable as well so I'll probably end up going there for my Q2 Quarterly Circle.
The other cool thing about this place is that the signs of guidelines posted on doors and such all start with "Life As If..." Like live as if you're living here for one night b/c you want to keep everything neat and orderly. Even one of the car's license plate has LIVEASIF as the plate. I've never seen that phrase before but it's powerful. They also embrace their hippiness. There's a couple of rooms in the main building called "Hippie Room 1" and "Hippie Room 2". Lots of peace signs. Also the "Be the change you wish to see in the world" quote by Gandhi on the front of one of the buildings. Small but tight community from what I can see and sense.