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The $500,000 Visualization | 3/17/21

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Yesterday, main thing was got last minute Discovery Day preparations in order. Last few remaining action items today and we'll be ready to go! We did go through the presentation yesterday and it was fine. I am bringing a bit of a different energy / take than most to my 5-7 minutes, so I think it'll be a nice change of pace. Bringing in a quick little visualization and picturing exercise to make them feel like they're opening LaundroLab. Really experience it in their subconscious so that it's more likely to happen. Can't believe I'm about to lead my first brief meditation / viz practice with folks who are potentially going to invest $500,000+ with us lolol!! It's gonna be amazing. It was received well by most of the colleagues - they actually said I could go deeper into it - haha; that's all I needed to hear. I was just giving them a glimpse of what it would be like, and since it's a go, I'll expand upon that piece of it. Could be our secret weapon in getting franchisees lol. Guess this is the first step to bringing business into spirituality! Embracing it!

Regarding this actual prep for this hour or so, I think the time allocation between PPT presentation vs what we're going to say is not balanced correctly. We spent let's say 80-85% of the time trying to perfect the slides when in reality we should be spending more time going through the words that people are saying and the points that they're making. It should be closer to 50-50, of not 60-40 skewed to speaking. Now this is not just here. It's everywhere. The audience is not going to remember a specific slide or notice the last minute change that we did or made. They're going to remember how we made them feel. They might remember and recall the slides if there's a story that triggers how they felt in that moment. So by doing the exercise, I'm hopefully able to provide not my story, but facilitate them creating and remembering their own story. For the following ones, I'd like to see us go through a storyboarding type of session where in addition to what the main goal of the presentation time is, which is pretty clear, I'd like to go through each person's part and think in granularity, "how do we want the audience to feel after having listened to X person speak?" "How will the material presented in the slides aid with that? "How do we lean into and accentuate the strengths, skills, and expertise of this presenter to help convey that story?" Going through this explicit exercise can give us a clearer understanding of what the specific purpose of each persona speaking is, in addition to "introduce yourself and show how you'll support the candidate." It's definitely in a good spot right now going into the first one AND there's lots of room for improvement. Eager to close some deals!

Oh, I guess I'm also grateful I get to have my first dose of the COVID vaccine - will have had both of them by April 7, so not bad.

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