So we signed our 3rd franchisee group Tuesday! This time did it in person, so we celebrated by opening a bottle of champagne. Also took pictures this time lol. Feels good to have such a strong start to our business and it's only the beginning. I'm glad some of the stuff that I've visualized, imagined, and felt is happening physically now, so let's keep it going!
We have our next Discovery Day next week so making preparations for that. Trying to improve upon the first one by incorporating feedback from internal and external stakeholders. One of the points of feedback that I received was that marketing "was the weakest part of d-day." As with all feedback that I receive, I took that personally in as productive a way as possible. Only when I can internalize how someone must be feeling to leave that feedback can I truly learn from it and improve on it in my next attempt. It's a challenge to myself to do better, to tell a better story, to craft a more cohesive message, to inspire them to open a LaundroLab store. I need that slap in the face to help guide me.
Combining principles from The Leadership Dojo and Tai Chi, I think they actually apply to the above situation. I know that if I do things somatically, they can be more easily translated and applied to my mental attitude (among other areas). Knowing that, I'm doing Tai Chi and getting feedback in real time from Sifu. I have to adjust the way I'm doing certain moves to do them properly. As a result, I'm more perceptive to how my body is oriented and aligned (or misaligned) so that I can course correct myself. Be incorporating feedback immediately and acting on it immediately, I'm training BOTH my body and my mind in that feedback loop to be cognizant at what the improved way of doing it is. So applied to work, when I'm more aware of what that feedback is from a solely verbal statement or cue, I can incorporate it more expediently to the situation. I'm made aware more quickly of the things to avoid because I've practiced things like having the proper weight distribution, body alignment, or arm-leg coordination in Tai Chi. Learning and taking feedback in somatically helps me be more shrewd about improving and growing holistically.