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TLDR of Life | 3/7/21

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Yesterday morning, started the day off at 4:30 and for whatever reason (well I know the reason), I went into this rabbit hole of looking into credit cards. Did some quick checking with my spending habits and my existing accounts and perks. Eventually settled on the Capital One SavorOne card. (I didn't immediately recognize the pun with the name lol - thought that was clever.) Has 3% cash back on dining among other benefits so that was where I'd get the most $ back among my categories. The Savor card has 4% cash back on dining but with the annual fee, Idt I'd be coming out ahead, at least with my current spending amount. So the reason that I alluded to earlier is that Dak & Shak were talking about this stuff recently and I've had the same BOA Cash Rewards Card for a few years so figured it was time to add a card to my credit account. Glad I actually decided on something though b/c I woulda spent that 90 min researching "for nothing" if I hadn't - or at least it woulda felt like that way to me.

Then normal routine and went to Tai Chi class, where we spent the majority of the time on the 7 step brocade. I hadn't formally learning anything after Tep 3, so it was good to get deeper into those since it was just myself and Ellen there. I'll have to look into the video Sifu sent over so I can watch one of the masters do it with such precision.

I did finish up my journal entry project so it's in a place of upkeep and use-state now, so that felt good. I didn't start on the website revamp project yet but will do so today.

One of the projects I'm planning on executing on in Q2 is a Financial Portfolio one. Lots of different factors contributing to me stating to take that more seriously now. Having a 401(k) at work now, coworkers talking about their financial involvement and activities, my dad belaboring me to look more into it, my sometimes intentional and sometime unintentional pushing it off hitherto. But I'm following my intuition to start to look more into it. So I looked up some content to consume, mainly podcasts to follow to be informed of what I'm doing to ultimately diversify my financial portfolio. Did listen to a recent episode of Motley Fool Money while taking a walk around the neighborhood so I'm glad I started on this long journey.

Finished up the evening working out (that's right, no days off after the half marathon!!) and playing Among Us with the usual folks. Right after that though, instead of just going to sleep immediately, I snacked on the last of some chips while watching some sports content, so not the exact best way to end the night — oh well shrug

Before playing though, I did look up if there are any current podcasts that have it while walking around. So I didn't find any explicit ones but one site did recommend what to do and how to do it if that was something a host was interested in doing. I like the idea of walking and talking, whether for now I'm doing my show individually or if / when I'd have guests on. I have some of my best ideas while on my walks and being in nature or wherever begets more creativity. In this mode, I looked up some lavalier mics that I could purchase - didn't buy any yet but probably will in the next few days. So one of the next podcast episodes, might hear some birds chirping or cars going by. Adds that bit of ambience that's not a droning car sound on the highway lol

Random thought - TLDR. Normally it means Too Long Didn't Read. But yesterday was just thinking of all the things humans experience and it really boils down to 3 things (for what I can think of rn): Thinking, Learning, Doing. Then I realized these are how we spend the majority of our waking lives - but it's maybe not 100% intentional how it's divided up between the 3. There has to be a balance among the 3 and a diversity within the 3. Lot of us spend much time doing, doing, doing with not as much of a balance across the 3 phases. All the content that I'm sharing, I'd like to think, has a closer to proportionate balance. Within one day, I haven't as of yet, but I hopefully ask myself, "Have I spent my time energy today thinking, learning, and doing to the level that I want?" If not, then I just switch to that one that's lacking. That's kinda how I approached deciding to listen to the finance podcast yesterday. I had been "doing" for the past couple hours so decided I needed to learn for a bit. Then even within learning, there's so many options! Coulda continued Jane Goodall's Masterclass, listened to a spiritual / education / mindset podcast, read a book, etc. But I didn't want to be too rigid with my learning. I created enough structure to have freedom to learn about what I want. I 'felt like' listening to something financial and getting started down that road. That diversity in content and learning will allow me to have even better ideas as I can take inspiration from one type of content I"m learning from and synthesize it with another. That's what makes each person unique! Only they will have learned or at least consumed content / info from sources that's unique to them. The question is

{"Can that person draw out the ideas from those pieces?} = learning

{...Into something that's their own?} = thinking

{...And then act on it?"} = doing

I want to be more intentional about this.

Hmmm...what about communicating with others? Where does that fall in here? I guess there are independent of if you're thinking, learning, or doing independently or with others cuz all combos are possible, so it applies to either setting.

Oh, btw couldn't think of an 'r' so I just made it 'Repeat.'

Think. Learn. Do. Repeat." That's the TLDR of Life.

Oh jk. Found an 'r'. Relate. Can put "yourself" and "others" for each of these.

Think with yourself. Think with others.

Think about yourself. Think about others.

Learn with yourself. Learn with others.

Learn about yourself. Learn about others.

Do with yourself. Do with others.

Relate with yourself. Relate with others.


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