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What Are The Root Causes Of My Distractions? | 8/26/21

Marvelous Wednesday with no meetings and plenty of time to do deep work. I like that I got to move several initiatives forward without having the pressure to finish something or get burnout from it. To better prepare for times of those deep work sessions, I'll create a backlog so I can transition smoothly over to them without having to think of what I should focus on. I guess the time boxing might account for that but there are examples where something might take a long while but not require deep thought. Maybe I add in a classification of "Deep, Medium, or Light Work" so I know the level of involvement and intermittency with which I can accomplish it. Can incorporate in my next quarterly circle personally as well as for me solely at work on Asana.

I've gone through the first couple days now of Becoming Focused and Indistractable, so that means some journal and thinking topics to catch up on.

What would life be like if I was indistractable? Lol, literally as I was trying to think of an answer I checked my phone. But anyways, I could transition from one area of focus to the next without any delay. I would be so alert of what things cause my distractions that I would be unperturbed even if they happen. I can access deeper levels of focus, mind, and energy essentially on-demand because I'm locked in to whatever I'm doing. This doesn't mean no breaks, just means doing everything with intention. "The time you plan to waste is not wasted time." I could move my personal projects to and work KRs and initiatives along with that much more efficiency and ease. Combined with everything that I've learned already and what I know I'll continue to learn, it's gonna be awesome to see my now-maximum potential get increased.

What are my distractions throughout the day? Obviously the major one is my phone. My habit of not wanting to do and using the excuse of "I'm learning or thinking so it's still time well spent" is just procrastination, which is a form of distraction in my opinion. Slack notifications are distractions lol. I tried putting it on Do Not Disturb mode when I was working today and I could definitely feel a difference in my focus. The street outside with all its events and noises is definitely an external trigger of distraction. My body is also a distraction with itches, sniffling, sneezing, etc. Coworkers conversations are a distraction. Not saying its bad at all, collaboration is highly encouraged lol. I'm just objectively stating outside variable noise is a distraction when in a flow state. That's why I try increasing the volume when I'm listening to Alpha / Theta waves.

What are 1-2 things that moved us closer towards our goals and 1-2 things that moved us away from our goals? Waking up early definitely moves me closer towards my goals. As does having a clear plan the day before of what I'm going to be working on tomorrow. Brainstorming with my eyes closed once again is moving me closer towards my goals, especially within the scope of that deep work session. Taking breaks when I feel my focus slipping helps me regain it. Conversely, trying too hard to focus and not letting things flow moved me further away from my goals. Physical discomfort makes me think of how to make myself comfortable again instead of on the task at hand. Expanding the scope here, not journaling or meditating takes me away from my goals. Essentially, every time I don't do my daily and consistent positive habits and practices, the further it takes me away from my goals.

What are the root causes of my distractions? I think he alluded a bit in the most recent episode but it's any discomfort within me or affecting me. Me not wanting to do something plants the idea in my head that I need something else that's stimulating. Seeing notifications on my phone is a direct impulse that someone else not only wants my attention, but has given me attention. That is the underlying root cause here. It's fear that I'm not given attention normally. So I'm so delighted when these emails or texts or snaps come in. To take me out of the work that I'm doing. I guess this is a great barometer for how much fear I have in me motivating my actions, vs love. If I feel like I am enough and loved and all that, then my desire to be given attention won't have to be satiated through external events. Thus, it doesn't have a chance to be fulfilled when it comes in the form of a Slack notification or a text or anything else. I say and feel like I'm very love-intentioned but this example here shows I have a long way to go. Hmm. What is the correct balance here though in running away from your fears (aka turning phone off / muting notifications) vs transcending them? Ideally, I think in a perfect state of indistractability, I'd see in real time all of my notifications without any technological suppressant. I would have the awareness, discernment, and prudence to determine how I need to address and respond to that notification. I would feel 100% indistractable in that scenario. Combining with my Be Extraordinary learnings, no need to worry about the how as long as you know the what, even if you know the what is less than 50% chance of succeeding. So all I have to do is do the different types of meditation that get me to experience this feeling of 100% indistractability, and I'll invariably get there!

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