Quite an energy creating day today! Didn't do Shambhavi this morning but instead tried the 6 phase meditation by Vishen Lakhiani. Most of them I'd done individually before but never in a sequence or in a single session before? Felt pretty fresh and energized coming out of it. Honestly, he's somebody that's absolutely changing the game. His drive, intentions, magnanimity, focus, spirituality and ingenuity are all things that I admire. He gets it. Want to follow more people like him who crush it in every single area of life. They are multi-layered, multi-faceted, and multi-purposed.
At at Chopt for the 1st time ever. It's great. How come I've never eaten there before?! Def gonna go back since I'll be able to eat more water there than other places that I eat out. Also inspired me to make salads for my meal prep since it's easy, can be refrigerated, and healthy.
Went to Freedom Park after work, did some reading - finished up Meditations - and Tai Chi. Felt absolutely so relaxed after Tai Chi. My energy was freely flowing through my entire body. My limbs were loose and at ease. Love this cadence that I've gotten into with going pretty much every Thursday to a park and doing something like this. Finally finished Meditations after 2.5 months of reading it. Trying to reflect back on it in one sitting is nearly impossible because it's much of his life's wisdom in those ~120 pages. There are so many quotes that I noted verbatim cuz they're so succinctly stated. What did I learn about myself through reading this book? One of the main things is the patience to go through a book, or any piece of content, at the pace that allows you to learn the deepest. People brag about reading 1 book a week or whatnot, but what does that even mean? I avow that reading something this deliberately is actually an equal accomplishment. I may never connect with everything I took note of in my entire life but as long as I commit to internalizing just one thing from this book, whether learned directly or indirectly, then it's a success. In the first chapter, he talked about one of his role models being unaffected by material things. Wrote this when I originally read that but truly something I want to continue inculcating into my identity. Another commonality throughout his thoughts was the fact that we're here for such a short period of time on Earth physically, let's just be good people. His commitment to dedicating all of his energy towards serving a purpose greater than himself. I learned that I love quick profound phrases and sentences that I can capture and use in my own life. I learned that I can find sections in there that resonate with me so deeply that I want to quote something that hasn't been quoted before. Kinda like a hidden gem. Kinda like gathering Infinity stones lol. At the snap of a finger I can summon any positive energy that I want to, like a superpower. I've also learned through observing the last few books I've read that it doesn't really matter what I read. These last few books, I've all rated as 5 stars. Going back to my entry from a few days ago, the value is all subjective. So if the value is subjective, the question then should be how can I make every book I read worth a 5 star value? How can I make every experience in my life a 5-star value? So that truly means we have the power to make everything equally valuable to us in some way or another. Whether that was a 'good' experience or a 'bad' experience. So everything has that potential 5-star value. It's a question of how deeply are we connecting with it. Converting that potential value into realized value through action. That potential value is all around us, following us around. It's begging for it to be realized. But we jump around going from one thing that has potential value to another thing that has potential value without every realizing the value of the first thing.
Here's the crazy thing. I've doubly learned here. Call it metalearning. I've realized that many of my journal entries, much like this one, don't have a clear direction at the beginning. They start out like what many successful entrepreneurs say to do: take that first step. In this case, just put pen to paper. Then as the start flowing, they naturally choose a path. Keeps going and going. And then BOOM! A eureka moment! A quotable line. A profound realization. The ultimate destination. That's what society wants to focus on though. That quote, the realization, the destination. But the destination wouldn't have happened without the process. It' sonly when you reach the destination that you can really appreciate the journey that got you there. But in many of my entries, that journey is following the arch of my life. It keeps getting clearer and clearer what the journey is leading towards. What that ultimate epiphany moment is, idk. All I can do now is write the next word, take the next step on this journey.
Nir Eyal said yesterday that he wrote Indistractable not because he had the answers but because he didn't have the answers. All he did was ask the questions. Asking questions allowed him to ask better questions and so on, until the book was written. The question that he asks us is "Did I do what I said I was going to do, for as long as I said I would, without distraction?" That question seems like the destination, but itself is the beginning of a new journey. So every book really, and any piece of content, should leave us asking a better question than before we consumed that. And since this is content, here's my question: What better question am I asking myself at the end of this book / podcast / article / day / year / job / chapter of my life / experience, etc. to realize its full potential value?