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What Do I Want To Process From Today? | 10/9/22

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

What do I want to process from today?

Story for the book; Tai Chi & yoga at the park; bhajan recording; messaging potential clients; content; Finding of the 3rd Eye; Quantum Manifestation.

Story for the book - I’ve never actually written my story out in as much detail. It’s actually very crystallizing what my journey has actually been. By going into one small section, I then get reminded of another dot in my journey to today.

I’ve been making more aware the ability to be concise yet articulate with my words. Boiling things down as much as I can. Thanks to Hormozi & Rud for that. In writing the story of the past, juxtaposed with Keith Allen Johns’ writing the story of the future exercise, it’s clear that I need to write more stories. Getting better at the art of storytelling. I don’t think I need any more information externally. I need experience telling a story. And I gain confidence in telling an oral story when I have clarity. And I gain clarity when I write things down first. So I need to write more stories not just of these books of systems that are in the future backlog. But my story!

What do I want? What are my desires? I guess that’s part of the rest of the course that I started on YouTube. Still only in the 4th question of the 1st Life Domain lol. I have all the content to tell amazing stories. it’s just about actually sharing them. ‘Get in the game.’

I’ve been getting closer and closer to getting in the game but still haven’t actually played a minute yet. I’ve been drawing up all these plays on the whiteboards & clipboards, but none of them have actually been run yet. They might work, they might not. That data isn’t there yet. It might work the first time but the defense might adjust, and I’d have to readjust. The point is get the play in the game and make adjustments. Never gonna have a perfect play.

After listening to Quantum Manifestation, I feel like I know theoretically most of the things he said. the takeaways and action items were things I’ve heard before for the most part. I already feel like I’m attracting the things that serve my purpose into my life. I could supercharge it with that Keith is sharing.

Side note, I feel like his Quantum Life Formula™️ is the broken down version of the Intentions section of my Life Equation. Can revisit that when I need to. Maybe if I offer him a shared trademark after I integrate it into my equation, we could even do some co-coaching. Idea inspired by Langston on Friday.

Anyways, just gotta keep telling future stories and it’ll inevitably happen. I guess that’s kinda what my yearly time capsule is.

Also messaged a couple more potential clients today for a free month of coaching. Looking forward to hearing their responses / working with them. It’s cool when they’re interested in what you can bring to the table. I figure this is the entrepreneur’s and salesperson’s high. Of figuring out a way to close a deal.

Which is really just alignment of value. They believe I can help them achieve their vision. I believe I can. That alignment. Just gotta keep that habit of action up.

Yesterday, when Sudanshu said Rahul was coming, my first reaction was frustration. I assumed he would be playing harmonium. I was frustrated because in my head, why would Subramani ask me to play if Rahul was coming? Like if he knew he was coming and he’d play, why make sure with extra care that I attend also? Then I cooled off a bit to get to a perspective of ‘that’s good, I can play khanjira. It’s going to be a better bhajan session with Rahul.’ Then of course the universe unfolds in a way that you didn’t think of. He came to just help with the sound. LOL. All those thoughts in my head for no reason. All that judgment. Shame internally after the fact. I’m closed off to the possibility when I make my mind up like that. Felt very egotistical. That I had to be the one playing.

Maybe deep down I have a block of a scarcity mindset with people who are further ahead than me. Whether in this context, work, etc. I have this “I want all the glory” complex. The paradox of “I want the spotlight” and once it’s on, “no, no, I’m actually humble. I don’t want it on me.” Somehow, I’ve combined the Russell Wilson and JHaw mentalities into one.

I’ve been telling myself that a Director of Marketing position will help the company. But my first reaction to it was “why can’t I work myself up there now?” “Why can’t I be the one?” That we don’t need outside help. Overconfidence in my own abilities.

When I first started creating content, Deepak called me out as doing this for me. I kept telling myself the story that I was doing it for me. And no one else. Perception may become reality. In this case it was my self-talk that was covering up my scarcity mindset.

‘I need to learn on my own.’ Maybe the slight aversion / disdain with Dan and Alex who do more of their learning through people rather than books. I put that as lower than in my mind. And that’s bee unfolding like this. I need to reverse this imprint.

I also have a tendency to have more pride in myself when I learn something myself. ‘No one taught me this, I learned this on my own.’ Do I view others who did receive coaching / training / help as cheating? I have the tendency to when I reach a certain level in something, I feel better than.

Definitely plays out in social circles. When I’m excluded I feel lonely. Or I tell myself that I’m too unique or too good for the others. Then when I’m in the “in” crowd or clique, I then leave others out because “that’s not my problem.”

Growing up in school, I would view others getting help as unfair. And it’s manifested like this. It’s them employing leverage. Obviously didn’t call it that in elementary school. Using all other available resources. I’m only now starting to see the boundless impact having others around you supporting and directly assisting in you grow.

Connecting it to my story, my 2022 Story is “Connection through Communication.” I may have wrote it with a different intention in January but it’s played out nonetheless according to that story. It’s not just connection though. It’s also growth through connection. Who not how. Power in numbers. I’ve never understood it as much as I do now. And I’m only now starting to see why people say that.

I apologize, Rahul, for seeing you in a negative light (subconsciously) because you’re a better harmonium player than me. I apologize, Subramani, for sending that frustrated energy your direction. I apologize, Dan & Alex, for viewing learning through network and connections as inferior to other methods of learning. I apologize, future Director of Marketing, for wanting your position very selfishly and egotistically as a result of my scarcity mindset.

I forgive myself.

Let’s turn this block into an asset. Pride and resentment and jealousy of those who are ahead of me, especially those who leveraged others to do so → wish nothing but continued success and happiness for those who are ahead of me and an eagerness to learn from connections, especially those who are ahead of me in my field.

It may take time but at least now I have an awareness of this. Which may be a big block to me achieving my goals for my business. So I’m glad I’m addressing this now.

Very apt that I took notes in my Media Vault today to be more reflective on each day because it has infinite potential. We just don’t take the time to connect all those dots from the day.

[Block to address next time of me not getting enough recognition because of my perceived young age.]

Growth rate is so much more. The firefly analogy by Keith coming to fruition. Along with my storytelling with my yearly story and how it’s transpired. Another 100/100 day today.

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