Writing this Sunday evening from Optimist Hall. It's actually perfect weather. I don't think I could create a more perfect day if I had the dials to each weather setting lol.
Sometimes, days go by so quickly that I wonder if 24 hours has really gone by. Where does the time go? Especially Mondays and Tuesdays when I have more meetings than on other days. I think those types of days can happen if I'm just a bystander to life. And if I'm 'busy.' However, if I'm 100% aware, alert, and focused on what my time and energy is invested in, every day should be the same regardless of what activities comprise the day. I think that is equanimity as a function of time. If I'm focused 100% on the task at hand, and doing things that I want to be doing, then every minute, hour, day, should feel the same. Gonna try focusing on not multitasking for tasks that I normally multitask for, like eating, drinking, and during some meetings. When I'm unequivocally focused on one thing, that task actually gets done with more purpose, clarity, vision, and quality. One step at a time.
When I was peaking and in alignment physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, it was easy to trust my instinct and intuition more freely. To know that the voice in my head has the right intentions. As I've digressed away from that place the last few weeks, how can I trust myself as faithfully when I know I'm not in full alignment? [5 MIN] Almost always, the thing that takes more energy is usually the best for me. "What is bad for the ego is good for the soul." In that situation, I have to recognize what takes more energy and do that. The 'good' or 'right' thing to do has a higher activation energy or escape velocity when I'm in more misalignment. So that's why when I was in more alignment, things just happened with ease. I am a more conscious creator of my life in that case. Life is supposed to be easy; living with ease, in function, in order. But we make it harder than it needs to be lol. The awareness of recognizing what does take more energy is key then. If I can keep that throughout my whole life, then I'll always keep growing.
One of the key ways to do that is meditation. Everyone knows it's good for you. But really, meditation is medication. Taking the proper amount of time to reenergize, recharge, replenish our energy is the bets way to keep that clarity, scratch away the layers of the ego, be single-mindedly focused on the sole activity.
The visualization meditation that I've incorporated into my Discovery Day presentation is a subtle way of sharing this with others. We're 3 for 3 officially for all the people who've come to D Day and done a quick practice. And sure it may not have had an impact. Especially since they only did it once each. However, I realized that it's not really for them. It's for us. If the core franchising leaders do this practice every time I lead it, that's several times of them envisioning our success. Over time, that adds up. Especially since it's a collective energy that we're creating and manifesting. If we keep visualizing our success in the subconscious, the more likely it is of happening.
Side idea for myself here of creating recordings of guided meditations with a voiceover of myself. That way I can continue diversifying and combining my interests and skills. No rush but do want to do that at some point. I think first one I would do is probably the Jan 1 one that I've yet to create. Or perhaps the Diamond Cutter situational improvement one. Ooh. Or probably a standing meditation one that I actually led a couple weeks ago.
Going back to the work setting, I'm grateful to be surrounded by a group of overachievers. We always set out more than we can accomplish in a given time period. That's part of the growth process. In addition to that vision-setting and goal-setting, how do we also practice intention setting? Since I know that's really the most important thing in having a purposeful mission, successful life, how do I bring that culture to work? [10 MIN] On a less infrequent basis, we can think about the values, mission, purpose. And have intentions shared as a group that relate to these. On a more frequent basis, we can individually think of intention as how the work that I'm doing today relates to and rolls up to these high level aspects. Maybe we have an Intent Statement as a company, or for each person. This can be similar to either Tesla's or SpaceX's position responsibilities. "I am X, which is important b/c it does Y so that we can achieve our goal of Z." Or vaguely something like that. The thing is that the vision, mission, purpose I think all address the what and the why of what we want to accomplish. The how, however, is actually the most important. "In order to *MISSION* (why), I do *ACTIONS* (what) with the values of *VALUES* (how) driving every thought, word, and deed." Or something like that.