So Thursday morning I journaled about successful people and at the end mentioned being a creator of the future you envision. Making your vision a reality. Later in the day, I was finishing up the video in Robin Sharma's course and I took a note which wasn't directly from the content itself but was a thought sparked by it. It was that I hadn't necessarily seen too much, if any, personal growth program that had a structure in place to go along with your progress. Instead of all this material thrown at us regardless of where we are in our progress, I wanted to find (or create) something that was incremental.
Fast forward to the evening as I was scrolling through Instagram and saw an ad from Vishen Lakhiani for a 60 min masterclass. I checked it out and decided to sign up for it and watch it just 20 minutes later. In this hour, he addressed both of the points of creating your reality and a progression framework of growth, obviously along with many other great insights. I felt my questions and even just statements had been answered and addressed.
The cooler thing is that one of the levels of the pyramid he talks about is trusting your intuition. And that's what I did that led me to watching the video. There were ultimately too many advantages and signs of this course so I ended up just getting the full Mind Valley membership.
All the stimulus check money has basically run out and I'm wanting to be more mindful of where I invest my money into. Mind Valley seems like a no brainer with all the next level courses available to me.
But right after I was thinking about my financial situation, I was clearing my inbox and saw an email that Mind Valley had sent recently. It was about money. It was a quick 3-4 min video giving a sneak preview of the course that students can take with Ken Honda. In it, he mentioned that the Warren Buffett of Japan, Wahei Takeda, does something very small but consequential whenever he transacts money. He says 'Arigato in" and "Arigato out." Expressing that gratitude towards money whether you're spending it or receiving it. "What you appreciate appreciates." All to help instill that abundance mindset. All that to say I was at peak intuition yesterday. Learned so much yesterday through Mind Valley (I watched the first couple of intro videos for the full Be Extraordinary course), Robin Sharma, talking to Alex, and my own intuition. Let's keep rolling!
Fridays are probably the day that most people look forward to the most. Why? It means the weekend is here. What does that mean? It means they like the weekend more than they like the week. Why? Cuz they can do what they want. That means they don't do what they want during the week, to whatever extent. They've chosen their profession and still don't like it enough to like the week as much as the weekend. Why can't we look forward to Mondays just as much, if not more than, Fridays or Saturdays?
Even growing up throughout school I'd look forward to the weekends cuz that meant time away from stuff that I 'had' to do. At least within the structure that society created. A brule as Vishen calls it (a bullshit rule).
It's like in Traction they talk about the Organization Chart with seats and people. The first priority is always identifying what roles you need. And THEN finding the people with the right skills, abilities, and potential to maximize that role. Then that person finds flow in what they do. The issue now is that people are making decisions on what seats they want to fill because of fear-based intentions, conscious and subconscious. Some people want to become doctors because of the pay. Some people want to become politicians because of the power. Of course those jobs provide value to society but how many of the people in those seats loved the process of becoming a doctor equally as much before they received the amazing pay? Or loved the process equally of being a public servant before they had as much power?
You know you've found a career you like, (one of) your calling(s), when you are equally as happy at the beginning of middle of the journey as you are at the end. That indicates that it's based out of love that the person is doing that job. Pay, power, etc. They're all just insecurities and fear.
What we need in this country (and world) is a reallocation and realignment of talent. First creating the right roles in society. Determining what the actual needs of a community are. Being more focused on roles that are upstream compared to downstream or symptomatic. Then determining what the skills, talents, and potential to grow within that position are. Then finding people who fit that role, so there is alignment and focus on a community level. Of course, that process of identifying people's talents, skills, strengths is also a process in and of itself. Then we can supercharge human consciousness & self-realization.
I've realized as I'm writing this out, my mission is not only to create a new educational system. Not only to reimagine a new style of government. Not only to reinvent what doing business means. It just makes more and more sense that what I'm trying to achieve is to create a new city. LOL. Everything has to be connected. I can't have one, however strong, sector be the only impact. It's a network effect.
LOL, you've witnessed me answering my own question from yesterday in real time.
What's my 150 year plan?
To reimagine the world by creating love-intentioned, potential-maximizing, fully-optimized communities.
There's the first draft of my Purpose statement for you ;). Hope you were directing your attention to the process of how I got here and not just the end result. :)