Started Being Focused & Indistractable Mind Valley Question on Tuesday. As I was going through all of the potential quests that I could have started, the reason I chose this one is because of my own values and priorities. I always talk about Alignment & Focus. There were so many great options that I know I'll get to at some point like Lisa Nichols' Speak & Inspire, Jim Kwik's Super Brain, Marisa Peer's Hypnotherapy, Vishen Lakhiani's Silva Ultra Mind, among others. But Be Extraordinary laid and reinforced the foundation for the alignment. I mean I already had a solid North Star but the practices learned in that course just enhance it. Of course I'll continue to tweak to get realigned every so often but I'm moving ahead in the right general direction. To actually make even more out of what I learn and do, I think tackling and mastering focus would be the most beneficial. I want to create more pockets of deep work time at work and at home. Then I can be hyper efficient with the time I have every day. So I'm looking forward to going through this quest and applying it personally and professionally.
Speaking of deep work on Tuesday, I spent more time with my eyes closed working than I normally do. Felt so relaxing and rejuvenating. Thinkitation is awesome. Ideas are so much more clear and vivid. I want that to be the primary way I brainstorm going forward. This may be a stretch, but ultimately I see that unlocking maximum potential at 2U in the short / medium term and then whenever I start my own thing in the longer term. And that's only like a 'beginner' level practice. Can you imagine a whole company running on intuition? Wow, that's the dream. Lemme debrief on the quest as a whole though.
There are so many great nuggets of information and application that I can leverage today itself. And I already have. My main goal here is to balance everything I've learned theoretically with the implementable actions I can do every day or consistently. I want to continue practicing and revolving through the different meditation techniques. These include Clearing the Garbage, Thinkitation, Quantum Jumping, Board Room, Creative Visualization, Healing, and Merging. I think this is the main objective coming out of this quest then. I know the power of all of these individually but collectively they can be a game changer. I always challenge myself to only focus on one thing but here, the one thing is a meditation practice. What that actual meditation session is can be like a revolving door. Some of the corollary aspects are already a part of my vernacular and mindset, like 3MIQ, brules, thinking from on an unfuckwithable mentality, etc. That's the genius of spreading it out over a month.
One thing that I set as a target is within the context of healing. I'm grateful to not have any major health issues. So I think that can give me the confidence to build up my energy healing powers. I want to start small, as recommended, with skin. I have had a habit of picking at my skin (every since I was in elementary school really) so I want to put that behind me. Perfect fingers, toes, face with pimples popping up every now and then, etc. Then maybe I can move on to toe nails. Weirdly, I've had some aesthetic issues with my toe nails in the last year or so, so that would be ideal to remedy that going forward. I don't see it as a necessity (or as an insecurity as my parents do) but then maybe I can progress to my increasing gray / silver hair. What if I could turn back the clock and reverse that silver hair process. Though I would miss having that salt and pepper look as a distinctive feature lol. Then joint stuff with my shoulders and ankles would be cool to fix. They haven't been an issue in a while but they're not 100% where I want them to be since they're a bit more prone to (re)-injury right now. Then my overall physical and mental health, getting into the shape I want to can be a step along this journey. But I think the greatest test of healing with my body is my vision. I have like a -6.5 to -7 eyesight. With all that practice along the way, I think I'd be ready by then to start healing my eyesight. The end goal of that being I get back to 20/20 vision without any surgery or anything. I probably sound crazy lol. But after that, I think I'd be set to take that to the even next level by healing others. Starting with my family members, then friends, etc. I see no bounds with this. But first things first, let's start small.
I think I mentioned it in a previous day's entry but I want to bring a meditation practice into the workplace. Definitely on the horizon. Implementing something like the 3MIQ at work would I think be greatly beneficial to everyone in every way. Oh, maybe I'll need to update that list every quarter, or at least every year. I did get the idea throughout the course of some for some of what types of books I want to write. They're documented for now, no rush to get to them.
Funny how I journaled about being a visionary the morning before deciding to take this Be Extraordinary quest. Similarly, I wrote in my list journal Tuesday before deciding to do Nir Eyal's course that one of my 3 Worst Things today was 'getting distracted easily.' Usually, I've found, that when we're worried about what we're going to do next when we're finishing up one thing, it will usually appear to us at the right place at the right time. I think I want to discuss more aspects of this course and my personal connections with it in my podcast in the 'Learning' series. So more insights to be shared there soon. :)