How do you leverage accumulated knowledge and information from all employees and experiences so that the sum is greater than the parts? This is essentially addressing something like a Knowledge or Wisdom Vault on an organizational level. So much valuable info that we've accumulated through external meetings, projects, failures, success, etc. to help us not make the same mistakes and keep growing every day. Thing is I don't even leverage / update my Wisdom Vault often so I don't realize its full value. However the more people that are on it, the greater the potential because everything is shared.
How would something like that be implemented? You create one 'Team' in Asana called Wisdom vault. Then each project board in these is about a specific topic. One could be Franchise legal, Franchise Development, 2U product, leadership, OKRs, etc. Some are probably closely linked to functional teams while other topics are more general subjects. Stuff can live in multiple places but anything worth referencing back to in the future should somehow be in the Wisdom Vault. If things are linked, then you can just copy the project link and paste at the top. You can create templates for each 'Topic' so they're effectively organized. And if there's any relevant discussion, it can be had within the context of that topic. So within each topic, there may be subtopics. These subtopics can be sections in Asana or 'tasks.' So it just depends how granular of a level we'd want to get with these. The good thing is there is flexibility there. If you do have it as a task, you can add that task to different projects and sections, so there is that linkage. Ok, so I'll create a LL Marketing one, and there can be sections like Grand Opening, LL 101 Marketing presentation, LaundroLab Discovery Day presentation, Quarterly Strategy meetings, etc. And then each note can link to those other sections if necessary. Ok, so now that that's been resolved, time to use my Value-Friction Quadrants.
(see images for quadrant format)
Current Added Value:
Transparency of ideas / knowledge
Learnings aggregated in one area
Organization of ideas
Buy-in into Asana
Future Added Value:
New hires have access to all learnings so less onboarding / knowledge transfer time
Intellectual properly value increases more we learn, so the more we capture now during it, the higher our value becomes in a liquidation event.
Success of franchisees
Current Reduced Friction
Accessibility to transparent knowledge
Less communication needed for things that can be accessed here, which means more focus and fewer distractions
Future Reduced Friction
Decreased knowledge transfer time
No bottlenecks / single points of failure (at least a lower chance)
If people move to different job, we're less dependent on them
Current Reduced Value
People just won't use it
Future Reduced Value
Will people actually use it?
Too much stuff in there so hard to find
Current Added Friction
Getting up to speed by inserting past points if we decide to do that instead of just starting anew
More steps to capture
More steps to aggregate and organize people's notes
More work to change people's processes
Learning curve to it
Future Added Friction
Upkeep of it
So much in there that you can't easily find what you're looking for
Have to explain to new team members
How do we keep track of media consumed and insights from them in an aggregated view? This essentially is the Media Vault in my OS. I can check my notes, links, insights from all the content related to work here. Instead of having stuff bookmarked locally only, when links are shared with people can be relevant later on, they can all be shared 'globally.' This can also combine books because that's also a type of media. So it can follow the same structure as the Wisdom Vault. A 'team' for the Media Vault, with 'projects' again for each function of the business. Then sections are topics relevant to that function and the 'task' is the line item entry for the piece of content. Ok, now to use the Value-Friction Quadrants again.
(see pics for actual quadrants)
Current Added Value
People know what valuable links others are reading and referencing
Learning is emphasized as part of the job
Relation with Wisdom Vault increases the network and total aggregated value
Links all aggregated in 1 place
Notes about each piece of media
More Asana buy-in
Future Added Value
New hires can see valuable media content by topic
Start to make connections between content
Increases overall company IP value
Increased transparency
Learning emphasized for everyone
Current Reduced Friction
Accessing important links
Don't have to ask people for links repeatedly
Whose read which links if others need to read it (subtasks)
Future Reduced Friction
No need to bookmark links from others
Accessing links and notes from content
Ok, now the flip side. Why wouldn't we do this?
Current Reduced Value
People don't actually use it
Do we actually need it?
Future Reduced Value
More to go through for new members
Things become outdated
Current Added Friction
One more step to do
One more thing to get buy-in on
Future Reduced Friction
Finding links is easier through existing methods
Reading through and finding notes can be more tedious
While I'm crushing through these, let's do the equivalent of my Thought Vault as well. We have an idea board but right now neither Dan nor I really use it. It's just there. Some potentially great idea just sitting there but it's not emerging when we need it to. It's only when we remember to open it do we see what's in it. A very inefficient and unproductive approach. Same structure as the other vaults: Team = Idea Vault. Project = Function. Section = Topic. Task = Entry / idea. Thing is we need a tag system to easily filter any of these vaults instead of having to scroll through. That provides 2 levels of categorization, not just the Asana sections. These also need to be reviewed on a regular basis, whether that's daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly is not too important. Month or quarter make the most sense to me.
(see pics for actual quadrants)
Current Added Value
Ideas are transparent
Asana buy-in increases
Increased focus because fewer times going down the rabbit hole of these ideas if we know where to put them and when they'll emerge
Ideas organized more cohesively
Future Added Value
Pipeline of ideas for planning sessions / meetings, etc.
Prepped for future ideation
New colleagues know our ideas
Increased IP value (more $ for liquidation event) because we have a system
Current Reduced Friction
No need to dig through ideas that we want to revisit twice
Increased accessibility to ideas
Organized by topic, not time
Future Reduced Friction
Less digging for ideas
Less time thinking of previous ideas and shorter brainstorm sessions
Current Reduced Value
If we believe that one brainstorming session is enough to get all these best ideas
We don't actually leverage it
Future Reduced Value
Not valuable enough to use
Outdated ideas in there as time progresses
Current Added Friction
More steps for people
Too big of a system to comprehend
Future Added Friction
Upkeep and management of it
Accessibility and ease to use decreases
I think these are the 3 main vaults we'd need (Wisdom, Media, and Idea). Together, they tackle what we're creating on our own, what we're learning through content, and what we're learning through experience. I guess the last one is what we're learning through others Like meetings. That may also actually have to be a separate vault. But I'll dig into that next time.