Why do I believe in attracting the right profession? I think we’re always getting closer to our ideal profession. I think also that there is no one ideal profession for me or anybody. It can change over time, and I argue it should. Otherwise, we stunt our own growth.
I think I’ve believed growing up that I should find the right job for me. But that implies something falsely. That someone else’s definition and expectation and vision of a role is perfect for me. That necessarily means that you can’t create your own job, profession, career, etc.
So I think it goes for from finding the right profession to attracting the right profession to then creating the right profession over time.
Many people that we admire and perhaps aspire to become professionally created their job or profession or even industry. I think it comes back to, in part, a 1-1 mindset that there is a job and I’m meant to fill it.
I may also believe it because I’ve seen the 1st stage of finding the right job play out in front of me and I’m not sure how much professional success / fulfillment has been realized from it.
I also think social media has a decent role to play in that with people sharing their stories of going for something and achieving that and more. I’ve been able to test out this hypothesis of how much is happiness / fulfillment worth, at least in some sense. Because I took a $20k pay cut initially to go from Cap to 2U and I felt more happy, excited, etc.
Does that stem from a limiting belief on happiness? Do people who are constantly looking and trying to find the right job relate that someone can be just as fulfilled by taking less $ but doing something they like? Is that built from a foundational assumed belief of what success is?
I think it comes from a belief that someone’s assumption of a definition of a word is the same as other people’s definition of the word. Whether that’s success, happiness, love, energy, etc.
Hmm, maybe definitions are beliefs.
So many arguments, fights, debates, wars even, happen not because of different sides of an argument, but the actual underlying discrepancy of the definition of something. But they can’t recognize that.
For example, in a relationship, love to someone might mean a hug or a kiss. To their partner, love may mean space and time to themselves. They’re both correct with their own definitions. But when you apply the action to each definition of love, then one is definitely correct and the other accurate.
That’s what we’ve done and scaled infinitely with society. We’ve accepted, assumed, and unconsciously operated under other people’s definitions of many concepts.
It’s like looking into a mirror right after you’ve taken a hot shower. The steam and condensation is still there. If we look at the mirror immediately after the shower and think that what we see is the true us, then we’ll believe that. But that fog is other people’s (family, friends, colleagues, society, religion, etc.) beliefs.
But to see our true self, we have to clear the fog. We’re trying to see our true self in the mirror while the hot water is still running. But the fog won’t go away if the water is still running. We then think that version that we saw as we exited the bathroom is us.
But the only way to see our true self is to stop letting the hot water of our outside forces dictate the extent of clarity we have of ourselves.
So when someone says they have a clear picture, just think of this analogy.
By understanding our self, even when we occasionally have that fog arise on the mirror, we can be patient enough to let it naturally clear away.
Continuing the analogy, when we try to rub away the fog with our hand or towel, it seems like we make things clear in the short term. But the next time we are in this position looking at the mirror, there are wipe marks on the mirror. So it becomes a bit less clear even when in a normal state.
Repeat that many times and the mirror itself becomes something that you can’t trust to show the actual reflection; its one and only job. That distortion then becomes the subsequent reality.
So when I said earlier that people who we aspire or admire create their profession, I think deeper than that is their level of clarity, belief, and definition of who they are. Their mirror is spotless. Or if it does become blemished in any way, they know exactly what and how to make it a pure reflection again.
So why do I believe in creating the right profession? Because I have a strong conviction of the definition of who I am.