Why do I believe that I have to have meaning and impact in my career? Because I know I have value in this world. That I can share my thoughts and ideas and energy with the world and with others. Like if I don’t have meaning and impact in career, or really anything that I do, then what’s the point.
I believe that everything in the world truly happens for some reason, and it’s for us to find out what those are. So me spending 40-50 hours a week focused on a specific topic within an industry with specific people should have meaning, yes? There’s going to be so much wisdom in those 8 hours of work that only someone who is disinterested, disengaged, and apathetic about their job wouldn’t believe that there’s something to learn. Even if they don’t like their job, there’s always a reason that they’re working there. To potentially find out that that’s not their passion or something.
So if there’s a reason for us to learn the impact that a career will have on our lives, then it logically follows that the lives of others will also be impacted by the work / profession we do or choose.
It again falls into a system. The two-way impact relationship. I have an impact on myself. I have impact on others. Other have impact on me. The interconnectedness.
If I don’t have a meaning or impact in my career, wouldn’t it have just been a waste? If I can’t point to someone’s life being positively impacted by something I was a part of, then what’s the point? And for me, I want to not only have that feeling once. I want to have that feeling every day for the rest of my life. And not only for the rest of my life, but even after I’m gone too.
So I think that’s what it comes down to. I believe this because I want to have the legacy of my ideas to live on for eternity. The belief that legacy is greater than currency.