Why do I believe that I should be at ease during my career but not necessarily find it easy?
If I find it easy, then I’m not pushing myself enough. To have some things be in my comfort zone but to have others be outside my comfort zone. That balance of what things in my career are in it with what are outside it.
Idk if I can have everything in my life or career be outside my comfort zone. Or everything be in it. Things that are easy can lead to boredom, as James Clear has said in his book. But so many things outside the comfort zone can lead to failure.
And not just necessary failure. But overwhelming failure. Well maybe it’s about doing with our career what we’re willing to fail at repeatedly but still coming with the same or more energy every time.
I believe in the process. That I need to go through a process and system as I progress through my career. And that process isn’t going to be sunshine and flowers every second. However, I can be at ease knowing that that will happen anyways.
Why worry about avoiding failure if we’re going to encounter it anyways. Might as well do that in something I want to be doing and spending half of my waking life investing in.
I think I also believe it because I’ve lived life with ease and lived life not with ease. And the ease option is so much better, if I can help it.
I think I should physically be at ease in my career because I can do my best work in those times.
I’ve realized that more and more of my reasons for my beliefs are my experiences the more I journal. Like I’ve thought of them and analyzed them and discovered those beliefs and the underlying reasons more and more from the understanding of my experiences rather than just the experiences themselves. It’s going beyond the low resolution of our experiences and creating higher resolution maps of the beliefs and assumptions / definitions of those beliefs.
So journaling is a way to do that in an after-the-fact way. But what if I could both have the experience and understand the experience at the same time? Like understand the experience of why that happened at the time it happened rather than during a reflective period later? And then truly next level, understand what that experience is planting the seeds for in the future.
That’s being in the past, present, and future at the same time. That sounds like it goes against the Be Here Now and ‘let’s just stay in the moment’ type of messages by others. But is that driven by fear? That if I think about the past, I’ll have certain emotions or memories associated with the past? Or things in the future I’m looking forward to or not looking forward to that can take away from the present moment.
This simultaneous way of thinking in the past, present, and future is not about the relation of the past and future to the present but more about the relation of the present to the past and future.
[hypothesized diagram]
I think thinking about it more karmically and systemically rather than egoistically. When we think about things this way, we are in all 3 states of time at once. So we get rid of that social construct.
So then I can have the wisdom of the past and the future in the present.
Is that what it means to reach higher levels of consciousness? This may be one quantifiable definition of that. Then we can experience the past and the future in the present because it’s all one thing.
Thinking like this by dissociating myself from the situation is key though. Just observing myself.