Why do I believe that I shouldn’t sacrifice my dreams for others?
Hmm, what if my dreams aren’t just my dreams but the Universe’s dreams for me. That that’s what my path is for me to be my full self. My highest self.
I have this belief in individuality underpinning this. Almost that individual potential realization over collective / group achievement. Idk how healthy that is. I think there has to be a balance of the different types.
Maybe that’s why I’m leaning right now towards a 1x1 setting for my Life OS coaching over a cohort-based setting. I think to start off that makes the most sense. But in the future I may need to re-evaluate. But how do I reconcile the Quality-Quantity curve that I created this week?
I think I do 1x1 like I am now as long as it’s a side hustle. Then I keep it as 1x1 and increase prices when I’m ready to make it my full time job. Then I may make it a hybrid group cohort with limited spots and 1x1 sessions every week or every other week.
But in any case, I want there to be 1x1 time to some large extent because I believe that’s the best way I learn. But I don’t want to limit that for people who learn best in a group setting. I think having both contexts will allow different people to thrive. Maybe that’s a question I ask on the questionnaire before Lesson 1. To gauge where on the spectrum people are.
But back to achieving my dreams, one thing I’ve seen repeatedly for why that may be a belief is because of the regret I see people have in life if they don’t pursue their purpose and the rejoice and fulfillment I see when people do pursue their dreams.
There can be many other regrets in life but not being the highest version of ourselves is usually one of the biggest, if not the biggest. I believe that it’s a leading indicator for everything else in life. People search for purpose and fulfillment in lagging indicators. And then they have regret later in life when they see that they didn’t focus earlier on what made them truly happy and balanced.
Individual purpose will inevitably be a part of the collective purpose and ultimately the Divine purpose. Purpose is also a many-many relationship. I have more than 1 purpose. Others may / will have same / similar purposes.
A question may pop up of do we rediscover individual or collective or Divine purpose first? The answer is yes. You can’t really do one without the other. Same thing the chicken or the egg situation. It’s all of them at once. Even by saying first, we’re trying to impose a time or hierarchical structure to it to understand how to tackle it.
Find your individual purpose by finding a collective purpose by finding a Divine purpose; or those in any order. Maybe some person’s purpose is to sacrifice for others. Who am I to tell others what to sacrifice and what not to sacrifice. I just want others to know 100% for sure what it is for themselves and not have any equivocation about it.
Since I’m a first principles and bottom-up thinker, I’ll probably progress individual → collective → Divine.
Whichever progression they go through, then that’s beautiful. Purpose is not only a destination, it’s a journey. Realizing those dreams is also a journey. Of destinations.