Why do I believe that the hiring process should also reflect the performance review process?
There are 2 sets of criteria - one for getting selected and one for your performance review. They’re not really aligned right now. Building off of recent insights, the company’s job is to help you grow. But you can grow in so many ways that aren’t part of your performance review.
Simon Sinek was talking about the performance vs trust graph / quadrant. People prefer high trust individuals over high performance individuals. Reminds me of the quote I heard recently from Chris Dancy “We can’t measure what we care about so we care about what we can measure.”
‘Performance’ itself, again, is a limiting term. It inherently or at least unknowingly limits the conversation to what the person has achieved, not who they are or who they are becoming. ‘Personal development’ or ‘professional development’ has been sectioned off as, again, a throwaway piece of someone. But to perform better for the company, there are many things that go into that. And you can’t elicit all of the information you’d need in an interview. Whether it’s a behavioral, case study, technical , or any other type.
If we look at trust as more important than performance, then how are you going to get that in just some staged discussions? Lol, if I say that questions are the best way to find out how a person thinks, then what if I ask them to keep asking me questions.
But the performance review can be renamed to something like potential realization. It’ll be more geared towards growth. It’d ideally be something that’s reviewed every week.
‘If there was one thing that my manager wanted me to focus on, then what is it?’ That way, the individual can focus on improving that for the entire quarter instead of just being reminded of it every 6 months. I know some places don’t even have performance reviews, so I’ll have to take a look into that. Cuz right now, they don’t really fit into our system. They’re done just to be done without intentional implementation and improvement of things from it, at least right now.
But going to the hiring process, there needs to be things in there that test trust without knowing the person is being tested for it. What if you ask for references at the beginning of the process? And then ask those references how trustworthy they are, among other things. What if it’s a group setting with people with a mix of candidates and current employees. But the candidates don’t know that / who’s who. Hmm, what if you had the candidates interview each other? Then rank them on a variety of characteristics that are important to the company. Hmm, maybe easier would just be asking them the 3MIQ lol. That has Experiences, Growth, and Contribution all in one. The “interview” style would be more like a workshop. That would not just be telling people that we value growth, but actually showing it. And then they also have something to take back with them. A win-win. Providing value. But we also see what they want to do, who they want to be, etc. Lol what about a word association thing where the interviewer says a word and the candidate has to say the first thing that comes to their mind. That way, you get a glimpse into their subconscious because they don’t have time to think rationally. It’s all intuition based. What about it’s a group of candidates and something with taking turns facilitating a meeting or stuff that they’d have to actually do in their role. Or what about this, the job description has processes they’re in charge of. They have to create ways of making the current process better. What bout QAing something? Or the interview is a role play with whatever is a relevant thing that they’d be doing.
Whatever the activity is though, I think it comes back to a fundamental concept: what qualities are you looking for in the candidate? Having those be defined first is crucial to making these right hires. And those qualities then have to tie in with the performance review potential realization sessions somehow.
I’m not sure I answered the original question at all but at least I got a lot of ideas to play around with now lol.