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Why Do I Believe That We Should Have The Same Mindset On Mondays As We Do On Fridays? | 4/9/22

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Why do I believe that I should have the same level of energy and excitement on a Monday as I do on a Friday?

I believe that because every day is created equal, the same amount of time for everyone. Time is energy. So I’m letting something else other than myself dictate how I feel. Same with weather. Sunny should mean same mindset as stormy day. Now that doesn’t mean do the same things on the weekend as you do on the weekdays. I think it just means do different things that help you achieve balance on different days.

Hmm, what if weeks are the middle level of the metaphor? The microcosm is the day. People spend the majority of the time of their adult life working from morning to evening, and then fitting in activities to balance their life for the rest of the day. Then they spend the majority of their life working, and then backloading ‘balancing’ activities in retirement.

So the hours → days, days → weeks, years → life are all like this. ‘Work hard’ for the first 60-80% to enjoy the next 20-40%. If you’re lucky. If it’s not a greater disparity.

What about the gap in here to bridge with weeks → year? Even that, we have a majority of our holidays at the end of the year. When someone says “the holidays”, it’s always implied to mean from Thanksgiving to New Year timeframe, and even more specifically the last 1-2 weeks of the year.

Again being in the day to day for 11+ full months before taking 1 month a bit easier. 87.5% working for 12.5% relaxing or balancing activities.

Obviously many generalizations here but the similarities are striking across all time periods.

What if we extrapolated to the next level beyond years → life? Lives → Divine. Idek what to call that highest level. Universal time? Cosmic time? So that means we’ll spend 70-90% (I increased it yet) of our collective human life times ‘struggling’, ‘suffering,’ ‘working hard,’ to achieve life balance, moksha, bliss for the final 10-30% of the ‘time.’

So the question is ‘when’ is this 10-30% of time coming for humanity? Lol Idt this is something I need to quantify. Let’s just let the Universe play out naturally.

So many things we do focusing on the small picture for the majority of the time and forget the bigger picture. We spend the fleeting gratification of $ on unhealthy food earlier in life and we’ll deal with health consequences later. Everything is ‘let me deal with the repercussions of my decisions later.’ And when it’s later, we wish our past self knew and acted differently.

So the earlier someone can get clarity with their bigger picture, the more purpose they can live the majority of their life.

So how do we change this mindset? It doesn’t actually matter on which time scale you start. Whether that’s your individual days, weeks, or years. Affecting one will impact the others naturally.

Hmm, side idea: Imprints database that translates across different variables, like time, so it’s easier to change just one thing and it’ll have downstream consequences across those variables. Then when we stack them, across variables, you can grow exponentially, not just linearly.

How to quantify exponential growth. We think ‘let’s change this one habit so I can get this one result’ but that’s linear growth thinking.

Hmm, is the rate of ‘questions arising’ the potential that we have? And our growth is actually the realization curve? The difference between the possibility curve and realization curve is the growth potential. When the curve gets steeper and steeper, it gets closer and closer to infinity. Like x = 1.

[see pic]

So when we actually say someone has infinite possibility, this is a way to quantify that. Society has flattened this curve from a vertical line to an exponential to a linear.

Like growth has to be a linear process is what we’ve been taught now. That’s what society has structured for us. I think partly because we kept asking ‘Why?’ The basis for deductive reasoning, science, etc.

By asking more ‘Why?’ we thought we were answering more integral (math reference :)) questions, but we were just limiting our infinite possibility.

So how do we start realizing our infinite possibility? No more y. So then it is that vertical line.

Hmm, even when we say exponential growth, what that implies is that there is a limit somewhere.

But if we have this [see pic] there is no limit.

So we’re setting our own limits. These are limiting beliefs quantified.

When in actuality, the limit does not exist.

As we progress across time, if we stop at a point in time, where we are vs what we think we can be is what we think is the gap of exponential growth. But even thinking that implies that there is a gap between who we are and who we are becoming. The only difference between the 2 is time. And time is not really a thing.

By thinking that we’re growing exponentially, that necessarily means that we aren’t growing infinitely.

It may be a necessary phase to get to infinite possibility realization, but we’re actually limiting ourselves when we say exponential growth.

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