Why do I lie? Lie is a fear based reaction. A threat to my sense of self. I was afraid of the repercussions of a lie. That I won’t be loved if I tell the truth. I’m ashamed of telling the truth because I can’t accept myself if I say the truth. Accepting my full self allows me to accept the truth.
My truth.
Maybe I wasn’t accepting of my full self growing up. I wanted to or was told to hide my full self. It’s taken 20+ years just to start accepting and now sharing my truth. But I’ve accepted more in the past 2 years about myself than I had the other 23+ years.
Accepting the external circumstances starts with accepting my internal world. It’s a chicken or the egg situation here with acceptance. You have to start somewhere of accepting the world or yourself. The thing is since the circumstances in my external world are a projection and manifestations of my internal world, then acceptance of either one is really acceptance of both.
So I lie because I don’t accept the way things are. It’s a defense mechanism preventing me from accepting my inner and outer realities.
So how do I accept myself?
Creating a belief that I do actually accept myself. That my thoughts that happen are there and have happened. That my actions are what they are. That my identity is what it is.
I’m going to start saying 2 things that will ultimately lead to me accepting myself and the world.
“I accept myself.” And “It is.”
That will ultimately become part of my beliefs that I accept all my thoughts, emotions, and feelings, so I can just observe them and say “It is” or “They are.”
Those who want to control their situation then have a tough time accepting themselves. They tell stories to themselves because they don’t accept the events in their life or their own inner world. They can’t let go of the story they want to keep telling themselves. But that story is different from the actual truth.
I need to stop trying to control the outcome of a situation. That implies that I don’t accept the way the story of truth is currently going. That the way the story’s going to end is not how I want it to end.
But that’s a short term approach to it. By thinking ‘If I can control the short term, I can then control the long term.’ The thing is I can control the long term; the short term will work itself out. Expectancy.
Long term expectancy. Short term acceptance.
If I truly have a belief of expectancy that whatever I desire will happen, then I’ll accept anything along the way to get me there. Simple as that.