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Why Do I Want The Definition Of My Career To Be Converging? | 7/19/22

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Why do I want the definition of my career to be always converging?

Part 2 from the last entry around this topic- instead of converging, it was expansion for that. In a way, our life is always converging. Every moment & decision we’ve made in our lives has led us to this exact moment right now. The branches on the tree have all been eliminated except for the one that we’re on now.

So hmm, it's converging in the present w/ the reference point of the past. AND it's diverging in the future with the reference point of the present. It's just a context of time.

This model would be in line at the present moment only being a single point in time. Is that why we feel regret, stress, overwhelm? B/c of the multitude of options that the past could have been. . Or the options, potentially an overburdening amount, that the future holds. Those aren’t just possible options, paths though. The present is finite in a sense, then because it's converged. The past & future have the infinite possibility . So by progressing along time we 're able to bring the infinite into the finite. Is that one of the reasons why time exists?

Because in the infinite, time doesn’t exist. Humans have to have a sense of time to do anything concrete in this world. AND when we escape the finiteness and delve into the infinite realms, that’s why we feel like there is no concept of time.

So when people say “time is just a construct", "we've just created it”, “time’s not really a thing”, that’s true. AND it’s not true.

It just depends what context you’re talking in. Finite or infinite. Past, present, or future.

In answering the original question then, it’s not a matter of whether I want or don’t want the definition of my career to be converging. By definition of the finite laws of time, it’ll be converging anyways. Regardless of my desires. AND it’ll always be diverging by the same laws. So that’s the meta, infinite philosophical answer. What about the practical one? It feels natural to want a single life purpose. Or multiple. Like you know the reason(s) you’re here in human form.

[Side note - I’ve resorted to answering questions philosophically first because of my relation to the infinite. I find that connection easier. It’s the acceptance of the human self, the emotions, feelings, thoughts, communication, and connection with others that is the bigger area to learn. That’s why I default to talking about the ideas of my emotions rather than the original emotions themselves. Definitely a parallel there between that and my content consumption pattern. Consuming original content rather than interpreted, spun versions of content. That’s why even though I may not be fully following along in Inferno, establishing that theme in my life is crucial.]

Converging because I can have various titles and have a legacy - whatever that means. I can look back and say “this was why.” That I can look back at the dots and connect them all. That each of the points in the past all had some purpose. Neatly fitting into a system. Which is another thing that is a root belief. That everything can fall into a system of some sort.

Divergent in the sense with all the titles and roles, etc. Convergent because it all starts and ends at the beginning. That convergent definition will probably be something like “I am.”

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