Why do I want the experience of seeing continuous growth in myself and others?
Feel growth is the better way to phrase. Well, you feel it first and then you see it. You see the results. Or do the results you see make you feel it? Yes to both. Neither if you remove the concept of time because growth is only there as a function of time.
Growth is the delta between two points of time of how you feel. It’s an arbitrary feeling. Because decay also has the same definition. So if they are the same thing and they’re graphed like this [see pic], then how and when would they be the same?
Growth may be the feeling that you’re a more complete person than you were before. Becoming more of yourself. But that’s a paradox. “One doesn’t experience self-transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates.” By becoming more of yourself, you become less of the self.
When you play it out to infinity, there is no ‘become.’ You only are.
How are both *exponential graph and *vertical line graph the same at the same time though? If it’s finite ‘within’ the infinite, then a *vertical line graph zoomed in would consist of *tiny exponential graphs. If it’s infinite within the finite, then the *exponential graph would consist of *tiny vertical line graphs.
It’s both at the same time. Within our human, finite construct, we want to see growth. From a Universal, infinite perspective, we are already.
Let’s answer now from a human perspective. Growth is a sign on a road that you’re going the ‘right’ way. A color / shape marker on a tree on a trail. Hmm, if we equate a hike to life, then some hikes are longer than others. Some more strenuous. Some have waterfalls at the end, some are mountains, some merely dense forests. Some out-and-backs, some loops. Some switchback, some circuitous. Some increase elevation, some actually decrease elevation.
Is this how growth and decay are the same? We just feel like there is some change in us. But one that we can’t necessarily ‘put our finger on.’ It’s all based on a belief, assumption, and conviction.
Growth and decay are 2 sides of the same coin. What one person may view as growth, one person may call decay or regression or a step backwards.
But what is implicit there is that there is an assumed belief of what growth is and isn’t. That there is a definition of what growth is. And how strongly we hold to that definition and belief over time.
One way to make growth and decay the same is to make them non-existent. If they both don’t exist, then aren’t they the same? Decay is just who we are. Growth and decay are both just who we are. So if who we are is a combination of our beliefs, assumptions, and convictions, then just shift those and you’ll automatically feel whatever growth you want to feel.
So I want to see this growth because that means I’m always changing my beliefs, assumptions, and convictions. And I want others to always shift those things as well. Because I know the impact it can have in their lives.
Hmm, what if the more growth I experience myself, the more growth others around me also experience? So I don’t necessarily need to go outside myself to see growth in others. It will naturally happen as I keep shifting my beliefs, assumptions, and convictions.