Why do I want to have the experience and feeling of the definition of my career always expanding and converging?
So it’s going in both directions here. My career is simultaneously expanding in the sense that my Life Domains continue to combine and overlap. And it’s converging in the sense that my purpose, mission, is always getting clearer and clearer.
My actions are getting continuously crystallized. My target audience in the context of my business is getting niched down further and further. I want it to be doing both simultaneously. Because if it’s just diverging, then it feels incomplete. And if it’s just converging it feels incomplete.
Diverging first.
It feels like I’m getting more and more professions let’s say but without the success in just one of them. Like if I started off as a tech consultant, then a marketing coordinator → marketing manager, then (simultaneously) a Founder, CEO, and Coach, then content creator, then I can add another to that list, community creator, and it just keeps growing from there.
So that’s the expansion or the divergence. But the follow through, follow-up, integration V2s, incorporation, and improvements of existing things are what I can be better at. The evolution of it as things change. How I reinforce how I’m continuing to shift with the current version of myself. I can’t just be replacing on thing with another and call that growth. I can’t just be creating things and then not have a way to forcibly improve on it. Like creating the 2U OS document and presentation are amazing starts to something. But it’s not the final product. Of course there may never be a final product, but I need a more concrete first final product. Something with a tangible deliverable I’m working towards, or a deadline of some sorts. Like the workshop I hosted on 6/19. Or writing an article on LinkedIn. Or performing something at open mic night with just 27 hours of preparation. I committed to it.
It’s a way of organizing my unintegrated thoughts and ideas. I have so many thoughts and having a time and / or deliverable deadline will force me to complete things. Otherwise, I’ll just continue to go along at the current pace without a full sense of urgency that I know I can.
Is that a false sense of urgency? If this is a trick that helps motivate me, should I even be doing it? Like is having this the ideal scenario? I shouldn’t need motivation - I just need inspiration. I guess this is both. And the relationship isn’t just one way. Being motivated is a way of being inspired. For example, setting a deadline to post articles would be beneficial to hold myself accountable. There is a content calendar but who dictates that I follow it? Do I need more accountability? From someone outside myself? Is that based on fear though? How can I have that action and still make it love-based?
Accountability and commitment. I have a tendency to keep things to myself and not share and rely on myself to hold myself accountable. But this accountability and commitment support systems makes that easier. That’s how I can do it out of love. It creates a higher floor. I would view that in the past as a shortcoming on the part of individuals. Instead of as a way for people to come together. The belief that I can go farther alone than in a group. I think that’s a big belief I must shift.
Having this time and / or deliverable deadline will allow me to share my ideas with others. And not just if people are asking for those ideas. But being proactive in sharing those ideas.
Not viewing people who don’t ask questions as inferior will be another tangential belief to shift. People present their perspectives with others in all types of ways. I shouldn’t be limiting their perspectives and value based on a framework that makes me an expert.
Hmm, that’s big. Framing myself as a hero means having a mental framework that makes myself an expert. The trick is to balance that with frameworks that makes myself a beginner and intermediate also.
Having a deliverable or deadline also forces me to teach something to someone in an organized, coherent manner. That will reinforce it in myself and prove to me and others that I am consciously competent. All this work I’m doing “on myself” is fine when I’m doing it for myself.
But these deliverables and deadlines come into play because they’re a service for others. I have to shift my mindset from thinking that the things I’m sharing publicly are solely for myself and for my growth. Yes that’s true, AND it’s for others. That’s the service mindset. That’s what people mean when they say “I’m doing this for my audience.”
I’ve been too heavily imbalanced on the side of “personal growth” when now I should be balancing that with more with “collective growth.” Growth with others.
So my challenge to myself as I enter my 27th year of existence. For anything that has a public audience, put it on my calendar and / or with a deliverable deadline.
To help with that accountability, I need someone to do that. For now Sathvik fits nicely into that role, since I talk with him regularly.