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Why Do I Want To Create Generational Wealth In My Career? | 5/27/22

Writer's picture: Sai VasamSai Vasam

Why do I want to create generational wealth in my career?

Who wouldn’t, right? I want to create it with ease. By simply being myself, I am creating wealth. In this case focusing on financial wealth but it won’t be limited to that.

One aspect to this is being able to access anything I want in the world physically. Money enables ease of access to things in the physical plane. Meditation enables ease of access to things in the metaphysical plane.

As quickly as I can think of it, I want it to appear. That’s what wealth can do. Funnily, that’s what Amazon can basically do now as well.

However, we’ll never get to the level of manifesting and actualization we can with Amazon that we can with our soul.

Another answer is I want to share it with others. Hmm, sharing.

What’s the implication of the word? Does it imply that I have something and someone else doesn’t? Or that even if both people have something, I have more of it? So that I can ‘give’ you something.

Jumping a few logic jumps here mentally, does sharing imply a belief, again, of finitude? You can only share that which is confined and finite. If everyone in the world had everything they could ever ask for, would there be a need for sharing?

If everyone was a billionaire, would there be a need for sharing? No. It can change hands freely, but that is not the same thing as sharing. Sharing comes top-down.

If / when we see instances of sharing from bottom-up, then it’s a noble act If / when we see instances of sharing top-down, then it’s almost a duty. In both cases, there is a structure behind the definition. So it makes sense with tangibly ‘finite’ resources like money.

What about thoughts and ideas, which are more abstract. What does the word ‘sharing’ imply in the context of sharing thoughts and ideas? So let’s say we express our thoughts and ideas as something finite like words, pictures, visuals, etc. There is an implication that the other person doesn’t have the same or similar thoughts and ideas. That we have to express ourselves in a certain way for someone to understand us.

If we apply the previous principle with money here, then we have the same thing - if everyone in the world had access to ‘all the knowledge and wisdom in the Universe’, would there be a need to share it? I’d say no. That’s with the assumption that there’s no need for redundancy. From a perspective of ‘why share something that someone already knows or has.’

So in this hypothetical scenario, if everyone already knows everything, anything ‘shared’ is just a reassertion, a restatement, a resharing, a resurfacing.

But what if this hypothetical scenario was actually the case? That we all already know everything. “The one thing we don’t know is that we know everything.” Then everything ever shared was just latent, dormant until the right time.

So instead of thinking and saying ‘share’, I’m going to be using the word ‘resharing’ to highlight it as something I know already, but it (the Universe) just waited til that moment to express itself through me.

Sheeeit. Apply this same principle to creating. ‘Create generational wealth.’ That implies that it wasn’t there in the first place. But what word can I use in its place to imply that it was always there?

Rediscover and reclaim come to mind. It’s always been there. I just need to rediscover and reclaim generational wealth.

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