Why do I want to have a Wikipedia page?
Seems like such an insignificant thing, and it is, but I can want what I want, right. It’s seen more of a status symbol that you achieved some level of fame. It doesn’t mean mastery of anything. Just that you did enough things in your life to be known by enough people.
Not only is it a lagging indicator, it’s a vanity metric. Of course, I’m not doing anything for the purpose of this but along the way it may happen.
Status is an interesting concept. There is a state that we’re in - that’s a state. But status implies that your state is in relation to something or someone else. Social status is probably the most common framing. Class status. Economic status. Even when I Googled it, social status was the default search results.
Implied is the hierarchical nature of status. That there is high and low or left to right formation of these.
An even deeper belief is the belief of categorization and labeling. That something can be categorized and labeled. Usually by words. Sometimes by pictures or frameworks or visuals. That something can made to be finite.
We just need something finite like words or pictures to help us communicate at our current level of consciousness. We’re looking at others to determine our place.
Hmm, there is a belief there of a reference point in relation to us. This is beneficial when in a physical space and we’re driving for example. If we had no reference point spatially for what is road and what are the dashed lines or the curb or a traffic light or a line to indicate where to stop at the light, then it would be a clusterf**k.
But in terms of beliefs, our reference point while in the present is usually the past. To determine where we are, we reference the outside physically. Here, to determine when we are, we reference the past. And critically here, slightly accurately, slightly erroneously, to determine who we are, we reference others.
Our identity is described as someone in reference to another identity already out there. We are a “brother.” The reference point here is the brother. I am a “Marketing Manager.” The reference point here is the positions in the org chart. I am a “content creator.” That there is a reference of who a content creator is and what they do, etc.
Deeper still, the reference point itself has a deeper belief.
That these things, whether time, space, or identity are different. That they are separate. When we say the past vs the present, we imply that they are two separate distinct things. That when we’re in our home sitting on the bed, I and the couch in the living room (which is in a different physical space) are 2 separate, distinct things. That when I reference my friend or colleague, we are two separate, distinct people.
This is actually any mathematical relationship. 1-1, 1-many, many-1, many-many. That also implies that there are 2 different, many different things. That’s thinking with a finite mindset.
The reference point is similar to my assumption of the belief, or the definition of beliefs, in the 3-level framework. In reality I think it’s actually an ∞-∞ relationship, but that’s not comprehensible by the rational mind. So we have to find ways of approximating that.
So the difference between status and state. State has no external reference point. Status has external reference point(s).
Be in a state and you will have status.