Why do I want to travel and explore the world and experience the amazing cultures in my career?
This is now shifting more towards my Quality of Life subsection within this 4th LDQ within the 1st Life Domain.
Well who doesn’t want to travel the world if they could? Perhaps ‘realized’ people who understand that the only place people need to go is within. Nonetheless, experiencing the Himalayas, the Andes, the Amazon, Pacific Islands, Caribbean Islands, Greek history, Middle Eastern civilization, and so much more would be quite a treat. Quite an adventure. Quite a way to learn about the world. And more importantly, learn about myself in that process.
When I went on the travel spree from 2016-2018, I was an adventure junkie. An activity junkie. I was learning how to travel. What types of things I liked and didn’t liked doing.
I think in the next phase / wave of traveling that I’ll have, it’s going to be with the intention of learning about myself. Rediscovering who I am. Reclaiming who I am. I’ve kind of already started that since I moved to Charlotte. Going on the Quarterly Circles to remote places to reflect and plan. Obviously not going anywhere too far, but traveling nonetheless. Even on trips that were fun in nature and specific with an outside purpose, I was always reflecting during and immediately after to see what I learned about myself. Trips like weddings or going back home. I figure I’ll always continue learning about myself on trips because I’ve built it into my identity now.
I think the next phase here is connecting with people. Traveling specifically to meet with people that I want to have in my social circles. People that aren’t necessarily friends right now, but I will want to know them on a deeper level. People I may reach out to on IG or have a mutual friend connect the two of us. People in my head that I now see and say “I want to have a conversation with this person.” I know it’ll happen, it’s just when.
Then maybe the next phase of this traveling is spreading my ideas. Going to places to share my ideas and implement them perhaps. Of course the other 3 phases of traveling for work would be inclusive of this 4th phase. It’s like concentric circles.
Adventure → Self-Discovery → Human Connections → Execution.
the more that I write about these beliefs, the blurrier the lines between each of the Life Domains become. Like what is the difference between Career and Human Connections and Quality of Life here? They are inextricably linked. They only exist to categorize them externally when discussing them with someone. But to me, they’re really all the same. Just different perspectives of the same subject and object: me and my life.
Tangential here - the concept of non-duality. Isn’t there an inherent Catch-22 with the concept? That we don’t have to choose between 2 or more different perspectives. That when we pit non-duality vs duality, they’re actually both true. It just depends on the context, how we want to slice it. It’s like 0 and infinity and finiteness. It’s all true, it just depends which dimensions you’re construction when discussing them. Because wouldn’t non-dualists be hypocrites if they didn’t believe in duality as well?
Knowing when to ‘think, say, do, and feel’ what. They’re in quotes because those all things by the mind and body. Just let the Universe fill you up with those ‘thoughts, words, actions, and feelings’ and everything will work out naturally.