(Sunday Night)
Wow! I consumed a lot of content and learned a lot. Let's see how much I can build into muscle.
Finished up The Founder documentary that I started Saturday evening. Ray Kroc is portrayed as both he protagonist and the antagonist in the film, which is an interested dynamic. I definitely feel bad that the actual McDonald's brothers and family weren't able to keep their royalties as per the handshake deal. Ray Kroc obviously had the vision of globalizing the brand but at what cost? Having that "rat eat rat" mentality may have worked to make billions of $ but just as quick as it rose to an empire, it can / will fall like a house of cards. I don't necessarily wish for it to, but things usually have a way of working themselves out like that. I hope I never step on other people to achieve something. Collaboration is always greater than competition.
Went in the afternoon (after a few mediocre FIFA games) to Freedom Park, where I started another chapter in The Leadership Dojo. More reinforcement about how the body is a vessel for our soul. A vast majority of diseases are psychosomatic and learning that how we physically shape and present ourselves can affect how we think and how others think of us. Abe Lincoln said that ~'Every man is responsible for their face after 40.' Which basically means that the face is a reflection of how a person has lived their life so far. All the smiles, scowls, laughs, tears and rage will build up over time. Those will manifest in the face and the rest of the body as aches, pains, diseases, etc. But if we can live a blithe life, enjoying every moment for what it is, we can, to a significant degree, reduce the likelihood of our bodies being in discomfort, dysfunction, and dis-ease. The mind can control the body, the body can control the mind. It's all really just one thing. Recent thinking is to separate the mind, body, spirit. But it's actually just one energy. And not just one energy in each of us; one energy among all of us. Learning about some of the practices in the book has made me, if only for a fleeting moments, more aware of what my presence is. Am I relaxed? Centered? Intentional? Deliberate? At ease? Confident? Aware? I challenge myself to be a commitment of those things; to embody that commitment for these coming days and use that as a foundation for future somatic excellence!
Then headed over to Optimist Hall to get food. This is def better than Krog St Market and might be better than Ponce City. Paneer Tikka Roll from Botiwalla was delicious! Baos were also good! There I watched the Social Dilemma. Very insightful, powerful documentary that had a plethora of eminent individuals in the space. I've noticed myself become more sucked into the phone void recently, specifically social media. So I watched it at the exact perfect time. Doubly so b/c I'm going on the solo retreat / Quarterly Circle so it'll be a chance for me to put into practice a cap on my desultory phone usage (which is one of my 6-Time book focuses this upcoming week). Getting a head start on that by placing my phone out of reach from my bed as I write this on Sunday night. But watching the doc just made me ponder how much of a combination of The Matrix and Inception we live in. There were actually sooo many mic drop / quotable lines in there that I might have to rewatch it at some point. The main takeaway still remains though of being aware and intentional of my phone usage. It's really an addiction. It only briefly discussed, however, that social media just exaggerates and exacerbates the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions of individuals. If we can go for the root cause(s), of which there are several actually, to tackle the social dilemma, then we'll be in a better place as a society. Something resonated with me that someone said on there was 'A tree is worth more to us dead than it is alive. A whale is worth more to us dead than alive." He goes on to say something like until that is fundamentally changed, this current system will remain like it is. That is one of the biggest questions and challenges: how can society recognize and properly act on things that are of the most long-term and large-scale positive impact? Another thing that stood out was the line that "the harshest critics are the biggest optimists." MLK was a huge critic of the current segregated way, but he had a dream and a vision of what an integrated society could look like. Funny that I saw that in Optimist Hall lol. Lots of things to further ponder on so looking forward to connecting all those learnings, create original thoughts and ideas, and build them into my muscle.
(Monday Morning)
Well it happened again. Expressed my wish to wake up between 3:35 and 3:40 and woke up at exactly 3:35. Other thing is that today is the first day of another journal type. Using it for the list journal first. A nicer leather bound notebook w/more pages w/dashed / dotted lines.
Small housekeeping for myself - the journal day ends in the morning, after I've typed out the current days' entry. Hence the distinguishing text of Sunday night vs Monday morning.
Found a new favorite word - euthymia. Gladness, cheerfulness, good mood, serenity. Seneca defined it as "believing in yourself and trusting that you are on the right path, and not being in doubt by following the myriad footpaths of those wandering in every direction."